Author's Note

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Hey guys! I just want to thank everyone for sticking with this and reading the story, I hope you liked reading it as much as I liked writing it. I have a very big interest in mental health and I want to go into a profession one day to help children and teenagers like the characters in my book so I was like, Hey! Why don't I write a story about it? And I did.

I just want to get a few things clear as well.

Firstly, I want to say that I'm sorry if this story was quite depressing or triggering. I did put a warning in the description as a heads up but if this triggered you even slightly then I'm really sorry. I usually write quite darkly because I'm a fairly pessimistic person and I find of easier to write about unhappy things a bit like this, rather than happy, sunshine stories.
In the past if you have been easily triggered by something, this story probably wasn't a good idea. I wanna say thanks for reading it though, it means the World to me :)

I hope you'll like the epilogue which I'll be posting as soon as I can.

Finally, this is supposed to raise awareness about mental health and recovery from mental health. I'm kind of trying to show that someone around you could have a mental disorder and you have no clue. They might hide it with a smile or with long sleeves or make up to hide that they've been crying. Its kind of to show that everyone has to be careful what they say to someone because you may have no idea what they're going through or what the affect of those words or actions could have on them.

Recovery! Lots of people feel alone when they have a disorder and like no one understands them. I'm trying to show that you will never be alone because people care about you, they may have different ways of showing it or they may hide it altogether but there will always be someone out there who will understand and who will help you. Its also to show that everyone has the chance to get better no matter how hard the struggle. A disorder does not define who you are so there will always be a chance to recover and get better. Even if you don't have a disorder, you can still recover from a sad point in your life or a low point, for everyone there is a chance to make your own life a better place to live...

Just remember, you are on this planet for a reason and your life has a meaning to everyone around you. And most importantly remember, suicide is never the answer, there will always be another way.

Suicide Helplines

Samaritans (UK) : 116 123

Child line : 0800 1111

PAPYRUS : 0800 068 41 41

Support Line Telephone Helpline: 01708 765200

Calm: 0800 585858


Students Against Depression

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