Chapter 16 - I Can't Help Falling In Love With You...

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"I still can't believe they wanted evidence. You were obviously telling the truth." Jess tells me as we both slouch onto the sofa, meanwhile, I turn the TV on.

"James York has been sentenced to life in prison after he was proven guilty of domestic abuse and violence against a minor." Oh great, more news about James! Note my sarcasm... "However, we have recently found out that James York had been using a fake identity; Alice York," I feel warm tears brim in my eyes at hearing her name... That was mum... "to collect money for compensation. He in fact did not need compensation and used the money to spend on alcohol." I let out a breathy laugh until the news reporter continues to speak.

"This amount of money stolen in total was four thousand, five hundred pounds." The news reporter exclaims as Jess and I let out a gasp in unison. "The police have spoken to the owners of the bank in which he tool the money and this sum will be transferred into the abuse victim's bank account as compensation for the violence that was endured." At that I turn the TV off with my mouth gaped open like a fish... Just like Jess.

"That's a lot of money, A." Jess tells me, turning to face me.

"Yeah..." I sigh. "Yeah, it is."


"I really don't want to so this! Do I really have to?" I complain as a pace around the living room like I have been for the last ten minutes. I was calm until today and it just hit me. Its been two weeks since I went to the doctor's and the thought of having to get therapy, still hasn't anchored in my head.

"Amber, it's gonna be fine... Its not like you're going to rehab like I did." Jess tries to assure me but it doesn't really help. Adam already tried to calm me earlier but that didn't work so there is hardly any hope for me to relax now.

"Well its not gonna make me feel better when there's someone who does not understand a thing having to talk to me!"

"But they do understand, they've had to deal with things like this before..."

"Ugh, I'm gonna hate this..."

"Just give it a try, its not as bad as you think."

"Fine... I'm blaming you if I hate it though."

"I'm fine with that, go on then, Adam's waiting!" At that I just wave goodbye and make my way our of the front door to see Adam waiting in his car. He waves and smiles; I do the same back before climbing into the passenger seat. The whole journey is spent on silence but it's a comfortable silence. I don't mind it...

"Its gonna be fine." Adam tells me once we arrive in front of the tall, clean building. He places a hand on my knee and gives me a sympathetic smile.

"I hope so..." I respond, turning and smiling back at him

"I know so. Text me when it's done and I'll come pick you up."

"Okay." I say, climbing out of the car and waving goodbye. Taking a deep breath, I look up to the shiny, glass building before stepping inside.

The floor is white, clean marble with a matching deal near to the entrance. The walls are painted in a warm ivory tone while the window sills are painted a snowy white. At the end of the lobby, there is a shiny elevator.

"Miss, are you having trouble finding something?" A woman asks me from the reception desk.

"Umm... Where is room 267?" I reply, walking a little closer to the reception desk.

"In the elevator, go to floor 9. The room will be on the left hand side of the corridor."

"Thanks..." I say as I make my way towards the elevator. I walk in at the same time as a young man does; he looks about 20. The door closes and I press floor nine just before he presses floor 6.

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