Chapter 27 - Promise Me Something...

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Adam's POV


"She's going to be okay... She's going to be okay, Adam... She's going to be okay..." I repeat to myself over and over as I pace across the width of the cold hospital corridor. My shoes tap when they press onto the floor. "Stop crying. Stop crying. Stop crying..." I whisper, pressing my middle and index fingers to my temples.

Stopping at one of the walls, I press my hands and forehead flat against it and try to steady my breathing through my cries that erupt from my eyes.

"Hey, Adam sweetie. Are you okay?" Mum asks as she places her hand in my back and tries to turn me to her her.

"Of course I'm not okay! You see this," I say, pointing at my eyes and tear-stained cheeks. "I've been crying for too long that I don't even remember. Mum... My girlfriend might be dead in there, or dying... I am far from okay right now." I shout at her, looking over her from my slightly taller height. She sighs and drops her head.

"Adam, she's okay." She tells me placing both of her hands on the outsides of my arms. My eyes widen and my breath stops suddenly.

"What? Do you know something I don't? I... Does she... Do you?" I stutter as too many questions try to throw themselves out of my mouth at the same time. I push mum's arms off meanwhile my eyes turning bloodshot. She slowly moves out of the way to reveal a doctor in a long white cloak; like a lab coat, and a clipboard that he holds with both hands.

"You found her just in time." The deep voice of the tall man tells me as I step closer to him to make sure what I'm hearing, is in fact what he is saying.

"Does that mean... She's... Amber's..." I try to speak but shock and confusion overwhelms me and I the words which I want to shout won't leave my tongue.

"We managed to save her." I feel all the breath leave my body in relief. "We flushed out her system but because of the concentration of the chemicals in her blood, it took a long time and your sister donated her blood once again for Amber." Oh my god! I love you Jess, I'll never be able to repay you for this! After a moment of silence of no one knowing what to say next, the doctor speaks up again. "She's asking for you. Room 76."

"Thank you." I breathe and before I know it, I've fallen into the arms of he doctor. Once I actually realise what I've done, I stand straight again and nod at him before walking in the direction of room 76. "Sorry... And thanks again."

"Hey, it's my job." I hear him call down the corridor as I see the door of room 76 in the distance. It feels like that expression 'so close yet so far' because I want to see her more than anything but... I'm scared.

Adam, you shouldn't be scared, she was the one that was asking to see you. It's alright...

As my pace slows and I stop in front of a heavy wooden door, I see the engravings of the number 76 on a metal plate in the centre upper range of the door. Taking a deep breath, I slowly open the door to see a pale skinned Amber laying limply on the shallow hospital mattress with tubes connected to her stomach, up her nose and forearms. Her eyes are closed but her eyelashes flutter as if she is dreaming. I close the door softly behind me, being careful not to wake her as I make my way over to a plush, red chair next to her bed. She looks so peaceful while she sleeps... How can someone as beautiful as Amber be so broken and depressed? She doesn't deserve any of this... She's have enough pain to last a lifetime and more... Not being able to hold myself back, I lift my hand to her head and stroke out the hair from under her back and gently comb through it with my fingers. After a couple of minutes of doing so, Amber presses her eyes tightly together before opening them slightly, bringing a smile to both of our faces as she lets her eye lids fall again. Placing my hands on either side of her head, I kiss her forehead like a mouse.

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