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This is a lot longer than I implied it to be so get ready for a pretty long part. Just call is the grand finale if it deserves a title like that. I planned everything that was going to be in this before hand and I didn't imagine it would be this long

Anyway... Enjoy!


15 years later...

"Have a good day at work, Amber! Go save someone else's life." Adam tells me as he takes me into a big and kisses my cheek.

"I'll try." I chuckle.

"You will... You always do."

"Remember to take the kids to school and actually go to work this time." I laugh just as I'm about to open the door and leave. I turn back towards my family and smile before I completely collapse on the floor with a Jack on top of me. "Come on, Jack! Mummy needs to go to work and you need to go to school." I smile ruffling his thick blonde hair as his emerald eyes sparkle. He got Adam's hair, but my eyes.

"Okay..." He smiles out as Sam lifts him off of me.

"See you later mum." Sam says, hugging me before taking Jack back into his arms. He has my dark hair which matches Adam's dark midnight eyes. He was our first and he's 11... Almost a teenager. It's kind of bad but I'm slightly dreading his teenage years knowing how mine and Adam's went but we vowed to make sure our children's lives are much better than how our lives were. So far, I think we're doing a pretty good job. They're both so happy... Just like Adam and me now.

"I usually finish at four but I have an appointment at three with a girl who turned herself in. Hardly anyone does that so its probably serious, might take longer longer than usual." I mumble to Adam as I pull open the door and get ready to leave.

"It's fine, I'll make the kids dinner if it gets really late."

"Thanks, I'll see you later." I kiss his cheek as he kisses mine and at that, I leave the house, softly closing to door behind me.


"Hey! Amber!" I hear a voice shout, a voice I haven't heard in almost 15 years... "It's me!"

"Jack!? You're out! Oh my gosh, this is amazing!" I almost scream as he bounds towards me meanwhile I jog over to him and he pulls me into a bone crushing hug. He lifts me up and spins me in the air as I hug back and squeal slightly. It's difficult for me to hold back happy tears but I manage. "Why are you here though, if you're out... And better?" I ask as a sudden confusion hits me. His lips widen into an even larger smile that I didn't even know was possible.

"First day at work..." He announces, placing his hands into his trouser pockets. Only now, I take in his appearance. He wears clean, black, tailored trousers with a matching black blazer which is just slung over his arm at the moment. He also wears a diamond white, long sleeved shirt with the sleeves rolled up to his elbows and the top couple of buttons undone; as well as being tucked out of  his trousers. Unlike most other men that work here...

"Well this is awesome... We both met here and now we're both working here, even though I've already been here for 5, 6 years..." I announce as we walk towards the elevators.

"You know what's strange." He says; his expression turning serious as we step into an elevator. I press for floor 8 just before he presses for floor 9. "We were the broken kids here, needing therapy... But now we're the psychologists..." I laugh happily to myself as he does the same.

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