Ch. 12..... Witch Hunting

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Chapter 12..... Witch Hunting

{This is right after Hayley was taken and Klaus and Rebekah found her and Klaus knows that they are having a girl.}


It had been almost a month since we came up with the plan to get rid of Marcel and so far it was going go. I had found out that the connection between Marcel and I was broken, we found out Elijah was alive and was about to come home soon. Rebekah decided to stay and help Hayley out. I decided to stay as well. I decided to forget about the kiss between me and Klaus.


“We had a deal! You protect my unborn child, I dismantle Marcel's army. And while I've been busy fulfilling my part of the bargain, you allowed Hayley to be attacked and almost killed by a gaggle of lunatic witches” I said mad. “I had nothing to do with it, I swear. Hayley and I are linked, remember? She dies, I die” Sophie said sitting on the couch in my house.

“Then who were they” Rebekah asked joining the conversation. “They are a faction of extremists. Sabine stupidly told them about some vision she had about the baby” Sophie said to us. “What kind of vision” I asked confused “she has them all the time. They are totally open to interpretation. I'm guessing she's wrong on this one” Sophie said not worrying too much.

“Well, how, may I ask, was this particular vision interpreted” I asked with a smile. “Pretty much that your baby would bring death to all witches” “ah, well. I grow fonder of this child by the second” I said with a smile and looking at Rebekah. “Sophie, look, I promised Elijah that I would protect the Mikaelson miracle baby while he tries to win your witch Davina's loyalty. Why don't you tell me just how extreme this faction is” Rebekah asked getting annoyed.

Sophie looks at Rebekah surprised “Elijah's talking to Davina” “Yeah. As we speak, I imagine”. My cell phone rings and I see that's it Marcel. “Marcel. Bit early in the day for you, isn't it” I said with a smile. “I know, I make this look easy, but I still have an empire to run” “Rather you than me. All that responsibility seems like such a bore” I said looking around.

“Well, this might spice things up. I just heard about a bunch of dead witches out in the bayou. The kinda damage a werewolf might do, only there was no full moon. I have an informant out there I need to meet and I would love for you to go with me” I could tell Marcel was smiling.

“Dead witches in the bayou. Sounds like less of a problem, and more like a cause for celebration” I said as Star walks in. “ Well, something killed them. And may still be out there. And with your blood the only cure for a werewolf bite, I would love for you to accompany me”. I smiled “oh, why not? Haven't been to the bayou in ages. I'm on my way” “peace out, brother” Marcel said as we both hung up.

“You can't go out there now. I need to gather the witches' remains and consecrate them. If I don't get to them before sundown, we'll lose the link to their magic” Sophie said standing up, mad. “Those witches tried to kill Hayley. I'd prefer for Marcel's informant not to find anything that would lead him back to us, to her, or to, you know, (points at Hayley's stomach) that”.

“Wow nice fathering” Star said to me “you are all class” Hayley said. I start to walk out the door and point to Sophie “stay put”.


Sophie went to the cemetery to go find the witches as I looked around “Hayley, Hayley” I called out. I sighed I knew where she was. Sophie is packing a little bottle into her backpack, when Hayley enters the mausoleum. "Hey. What the hell” Sophie says realizing Hayleys standing there “you're going out there anyway, aren't you? I wanna go with you” Haley said as I walk in. “No Hayley, you're not going” I said to her.

“I agree, already got assaulted by Klaus this morning. Don't need a repeat” Sophie said finishing backing. “What if whatever is responsible for all those dead witches is still out there? We've already established that it likes me and hates witches, so you'll be safer with me” Hayley said. “Hey I'm not a witch, it could like me” I said but they both ignored me.

“Sorry if I'm not buying your sudden concern for my safety” Sophie said to Hayley. Sophie starts to walk out but Hayley stops her “listen. The whole reason I came to this stupid town in the first place was to learn more about my family. Your sister's the one that told me Marcel ran the werewolves out of the Quarter, into the bayou. And, last night, I'm pretty sure that some guardian-angel-wolf saved my life. So, I'm coming with you”.

“She does have a point” I said as Rebekah walks in “could you two be more idiotic” Rebekah said looking at Hayley and I. “Hey I'm just here to get Hayley and go” I said to Hayley “not going to happen, I'm going with you” Hayley says to Sophie. “Two can play the follow-game, you know! You heard Klaus, he and Marcel are headed right where you're going” Rebekah said.

Hayley looks at us with a smile “so distract them. Because unless you wanna see lock a hormonal, pregnant werewolf in a tomb, I'm coming with you. And wouldn't Elijah be mad if he hears that the baby and I died of asphyxiation”? We all sighed “fine, lets go” Sophie said “I'm coming with you” I said to them.

“No, Klaus will be mad at us for just Hayley coming” Rebekah said “to bad, I'm coming” I said and followed them.


I'm standing in front of the bar calling Rebekah “what's the matter Rebekah? You cross that I'm out with your ex” I said with a smile. “What is all that dreadful hillbilly ruckus in the background” Rebekah asks. “According to the dreadful signage, it's Big Auggie's Bayou Bar” I said looking at the sign.

“Well, order up a few rounds of moonshine and steer clear of the dead witches for a few. The witch is on a burial mission, your baby mama is on a spirit quest, I'm keeping Elijah's promise to keep her safe, and your little hunter is making sure we all don't rip each others heads off, so stall, please”?

Before I could say anything she hung up on me. I went back inside angry and annoyed. “ Everything okay” Marcel asked “oh, just the usual, temperamental sister” I said with a smile taking a drink.

“So tell me about this girl of yours, Star I think her name is” “oh you don't want to hear about that” I said to him. “No, really, what is she exactly” “she's just a friend” I lied to him. “Really because I've heard from a few people that she is a hunter. A vampire hunter”.

“No, she's just a friend, you said I could live here, and at the time she was with me” I said to him. “She seems very familiar” Marcel said “well you know what they say, “everyone seems familiar because they're from another life””. “You are probable right” Marcel said taking another drink.

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