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Encounter Number 3: At school

Guess what I found out.

That Josh has all the same classes as me.

Why must they world hate me so much.

After lunch is when I figured out because he asked me for directions to the art room.

"Oh, I'm just heading there" I smiled

"Cool, lead the way" he returned the smile.

I happily marched all the way to art class knowing the boy of my dreams was right behind me.

It was Short walk but it seemed like forever.

"The class is right here" I spoke

"Thanks" he smiled

God he had a good smile

I walked in behind him and sat at my little art corner I made last year.

Ryan soon sat right next to me.

"Guess what went on before class in the supplies cabinet" ryan said

"What? Did you and B have sex in there again. What did you use this time bleach?" I laughed

"Yes and no. But he also asked me to finally be his boyfriend. I finally locked him down." Ryan almost screamed

"Good for you. Can I get back painting" I asked

Ryan backed away and went to sit next to Brendon.

I just continued to finish the painting I've been working on for the past couple of months

When Class was over Mrs.Michaels spoke up.

"Okay class Pick partners for the art project that's due by the end of this week." She smiled

I began to look around to find Ryan but he wasn't here. Oh he's probably trying something with paint now.

Every one else seemed to have a partner but josh.

He walked up to me.

"Well I guest we're together he smiled.

"Y-yeah I guess" I blushed

"That's a cool painting you where working on. What is it?" He asked

"Oh it's just abstract flowers but personally it looks like just blobs of  pastel colors." I laughed

"I like it a lot" he smiled.

Well art class was the last class of the day so maybe I should invite him over?

" since we're partners you want to swing on by my place to brain storm what we should collaborate on" I gave a shy smile.

"That would be cool! What time?" He asked

"Um any time would do. I could get Taco Bell and we can just up there and think until we get inspired" I replied

"Now could be fine since the last class is now over" he smiled

"Alright, just follow my car to my house." I responded

"Okay" he smiled brightly.

My house was only a few minutes away from the school. We arrived at my house in no time.

I'm going to make a huge fool of my self.

Embarrassment is also a emotion. And I'm going to feel at soon when my mother begins to talk to him.....

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