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"Dallon? You coming to practice today?" I asked

"Oh shit I forgot we had b-ball" he laughed

"It's okay. It starts soon anyways lets go before its time" I responded

"Okay! I'll be there in a few! I'm just going to shoot Mars a text to come on and watch me" he grabbed out his phone and began to text his lover

I ran into the gym and began to dribble the ball back and forth.

Dallon came running into the gym
And started to dribble too.

We've played basketball together since the 6th grade.

Dallon and I always get there earlier. It's been a habit for the past couple.

Coach came in shortly.

"You boys didn't here? Practice is cancelled. There was a car crash on the highway that leads to school.It blocked traffic. Your boys are free to go" coach smiled.

Dallon had a worried look on his face.

"Umm do you know by any chance who it was??" He panicked

"Umm I don't but it was a short female that looked around your age" he responded

"Shit" came out of my mouth

Dallon and I began to run to his car.

"Call her, I'll drive to the hospital" I replied and began to drive

Some one picked up and he put the phone on the speaker.

"Hello?" Dallon croaked

"Sir.... I don't know how to say it but..... The person your trying to call is going under hip replacement surgery due to a bad car accident. She's in critical condition. It's a slim chance." The doctor replied.

Dallon began to cry and I began to rush off to the hospital.

Dallon was crying his eyes out. His sweater was drenched with his tears now. His eyes were all read and puffy in a matter of minutes.
I can tell he really loves this girl.

When we went inside of the hospital Dallon rushed for the front desk.

"Is Marissa okay" he cried.

"She's in the middle of Surgery right now and her parents are right over there. We'll call the family over when she's done" the nurse

Dallon slowly walked towards her parents. They were also in tears.

The pain in all of their eyes was a hard thing to see. Especially Dallon.

Her parents looked at Dallon.

"It all my fault, she's was coming to see me. I shouldn't have invited her." Tears began to poor down his face.

Her parents looked at him confused.

"So much your the boy our daughter can't shut up about." Her mom laughed

"It's good to finally meet yah son" her dad responded and patted him on the back.

He kept on crying tears now their where tear stains on his cheeks.

"Mr. and Mrs. Perry?" The doctor called out.

Her parents raised their hands.

"We have some good news and bad news. What's do you want to here first?" He asked

"The good news?" Her mom asked

"She's alright. Everything went smoothly and she should be back to normal in a matter of weeks. She just needs to ride in a wheel chair so she could get the proper healing in her back." He smiled

"What's the bad news doc?" Her dad questioned

"Well she won't talk, or eat. We asked her why and she typed out 'she needs to see the one she loves something'. Do you guys have any chance who that is?" He asked

Her parents looked at Dallon. The doctor said to them to follow him to go see her.

There she was, in the hospital bed smiling her little heart out.

"Hey there Dal Pal" she giggled

Dallon gave her a weak smile and ran to give her a hug.

"I'm sorry babe it's all my fault." He cried out in her shoulder.

"Dallon, you didn't know a drunk driver was going to hit my car. Babe I'm all good now" she smiled back

he brought his hands to her face and pulled her in for a warm kiss.

Damn these kids are in love.

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