e l e v e n

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"You have a promise to keep Dun" I said while we where walking to the park

"Oh I do! I'll race you to the tree" the now purple headed boy smiled while running to the tree.

Josh beat me. By the time I got
There he was already laying down.

"What do I get for winning" Josh smirked

"Well I don't know, maybe a kiss or two" I giggled

I pulled him in and we started to kiss.

The flavor of now alcohol was still fresh in his mouth. I pulled away.

"Josh? Were you drinking?" I asked

"Maybe a shot or two to get my mom out of my mind" he replied

"Im sorry about that witch." I frowned

"It's not my fault she hates gays cus my dad. He's gay, but he lives all that way in California while we're stuck in the suburbs of Columbus." Josh laughed

"By this time next year we'll be in California I promise" I responded

"Okay" Josh smiled

"Can we get back to kissing?" I asked

"That sounds like a good idea" I smiled while he pulled me in closer.

We kissed until we heard a clicking noise

We pulled away and I looked up. It was Ashely and she was holding a camera


"Well well well. Guess mommy won't be very happy after she sees This photo Josh." She laughed

"What do we have to do?" Josh sighed

"Well first off Tyler here has to date Jenna for a week" she replied

"Okay fine. I'll do it" I said

"And Josh, well you see you have to either a. Date me or b. Take me on one date" she smirked

"Fine I'll take you on one date okay Jesus" he responded

"And the best part is none of your
Friends can know about this. If I get a word about you telling them I'm posting this and the results of this will ruin both of your reps" she laughed.

I went up to her and grabbed her camera and threw it on the ground then smashed it with my foot. I found the SD card and then threw that into the lake.

"What the hell was that for!" She yelled

"Well you see Ashley, now I guess you can't black mail us. I'll buy you a new camera if you stay the hell away from us" I responded

"Ugh! Fine! Whatever!" She screamed and angrily walked away

"Tyler your one hell of a bad ass" Josh smiled

"I know" I laughed back

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