f i f t e e n

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Before I start the chapter I'm going to answer the Questions I currently got!

1:do you watch TØP crack videos?
YES they honestly make me laugh so much I love them!

2:do you like Pierce the veil?

Umm yeah! I freaking love them. I honestly want to see them
Live ( even though I kinda did see them live at the APMA's in 2015)

Now onto the LAST chapter of the book!

School is like over In a week... This year went by to fast.

You know what else really sucks... After Dallon's wedding Josh is moving to California...

I also found out the other reason why josh is moving there is that his mom didn't even tell him that his dad died a long time ago..

Josh found this out and he started to cry on my shoulder.

I hate to see him like this. But I have to spend every waking minute I have with him because soon I'm not going to see him..

He hasn't told the others yet...

Anyways Something odd happened today...

Ryan wasn't at school today.... Or any day this week. I think his dad beat him up
really badly this time. What if he's in the hospital or even worse he could be dead....

The sight of this reality kills me. Ryan is one of my best friends and I'd hate for it to come to that.

Now let's move onto happy topics.

I'm going to be in Dallons wedding. It's exciting but at the same time terrified to come to the realization that he's getting married at the age of 18. They sure are growing up fast.

"So I know I'm very far behind but, what color should the ties be?" Marissa asked dallon

"What ever you want sweet heart"

"How about lavender? I've always loved that color and it'll match the flowers!" She smiled

"Then lavender it is!"

Lately at every lunch they've been planning for their wedding which was only a day away.

So far they decided to have to wedding part in dallons backyard. Oh you think I'm talking about his parents. No you're wrong. Dallon saved his money since he was like 10 to get a car but with him working that adds more money so he just decided to spend it on a tiny little loft styled house in the suburbs.

They are also not going to have an after party because that would make them to become broke. They just told all the brides maids and grooms men to wear an all black nice outfit with the color tie or hair bow they chose.

I'm really happy for them.

" I love you" Marissa smiled

"I Love you too" Dallon said while taking a big bite out of a burger.

"Fridays the night I'll finally be with you officially forever" Marissa smiles while putting her head on his shoulder

"Yeah that's tomorrow" he said and then lightly kissed her.

"I can't wait" Mikey said

"Yeah me too. You're going to look so hot in that suit" Pete winked at Mikey

"Oh god keep it Pg" Brendon Laughed

"When were you ever 'pg'" I asked to B

"Yeah you're right" he giggled

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