t h i r t e e n

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Dallon's pov

Tonight is that night where we're having both of our parents for dinner telling them the news.

This is going to be hard but hey I seriously love her with all my heart.

I can tell. When I was with breezy and some else who shouldn't be named I didn't feel the same way I feel with Marissa.

If I've haven't seen her in a long time it's like the first time we've met.

I just bought the Engagement ring from an antique store down town. It's was about $1000 bucks to be honest

It's from the Victorian era. When ever we went into the shop one day she looked at the ring with awe.

She's going to love it.

I'm taking her out to the fanciest restaurant I know. Well it's my cousin restaurant. He's letting me  do it there actually. Thank god. If it wasn't for him id be taking her to McDonald's.

It's just going to be me and her until we have to drive up to my place after wards to met up with our family.

I waited in a panic at her door step.

There she was in all her glory.

She was the most beautiful girl I've ever met in my life.

"Dal" she smiled softly


"You look.... Amazing"

"You look 10 times as better then me"

"Thanks! I wonder what we're eating tonight!"

"Well.... I pulled some strings to get us eat at the fanciest restaurant in town"

"You don't mean we're eating at the view!? Dallon!? How are you ever going to a forward that?"

"Well don't worry about that. I'm doing it for you"

"Dallon you have no idea how good you treat me."

"Oh yes I do. You have no idea how much I love you"

"Oh yes I do"

"Alright let's get going"

I lead her into my dads car since mines a piece of shit.

The drive to the city was only 15 minutes there and my hand never left her's.

When we entered The Views my heart began to beat faster then it ever did. This night is so important to me and it has to be perfect.

My cousin saw us when we entered and lead us to our "reserved" table

This is the moment

My life's going to change for the better and I'm glad.

While we ordered our food I told my cousin to put the box on the tray of her food.

When one of the waiters delivers out food with every steps he takes my heart beats more and more faster.

He placed the platers on the tables.

Marissa just stares at the box knowing what's coming a head.

I grabbed the box, got down on one knee and began to speak my heart out.

"Marissa, I know we're young. But I love you. We've experience so much together and that's only made us closer. Well will you Marissa, Marry me?"

I stood up, the look on her face just gave me the answer. I put the ring on her finger. Tears where streaming out of both of our eyes.

We quickly wrapped up dinner and headed to my house where our  parents were waiting. We entered the house.

"Dallon! Marissa-Ann! You've made it"

"Hi mom" Marissa blushed

"We were just talking about Dallon in soccer and basket ball. You're killing it" My dad exclaimed

"Thanks dad but.. This is not what I gathered you guys here for.."

"Well what is it then?"my mom asked

"Well, I'm going to be straight forward with you guys... We're getting married"

A long pause was held in the room until my mom spoke up

"Don't you think it's to early to tell?"

"I mean you're mother has a point Dallon."

"Marissa... Dallon's parents are right. You guys are too young to know what love is. You are only 18. You still have a life to live. Are you sure you want to change it know?" Marissa's father responded

"Dad,I'm not doing this to rebel. I'm doing it for me, for us, for a family." Tears began streaming down her face. She ran into my room. I quickly followed her.


"Dallon, they don't understand"

"Stop worrying. We're stilling getting married no matter what"

I softly kissed her so she could calm down. Our lips melted onto other. It was like our lips where a puzzle piece that was meant to be connected together. I love her and that's the only thing that matters.

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