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Dallon has been pushing Marissa in her wheel chair every day since she came back to school.

It'd be a damn lie if someone says they're not a cute couple.

"Josh, if I get hurt can you take care of me like Dallon is to Marissa?" I looked up to Josh.

"Sure baby boy" he smiled back

"I really want to kiss you right now but I really can't" I frowned

"We can do it under the cork tree after school." Josh smirked

"Okay Jish" I smiled back

"Coming through" Dallon yelled while running through the hallway and pushing Marissa.

Marissa began laughing her head off.

Pete came up to me.

"Jesus, these two never go away from another." Pete said to me.

"Their in love. I could tell just by the way Dallon looks at her." I replied to Petes comment.

Brendon walked up.

"Lord, these two never go away from another." He laughed

"We know. When he went to the hospital to see if she was okay.
That was the hardest thing I could ever see him in. He looked so hurt. Just at that moment I could tell they would be together for along time." I responded

"Damn that must have been tough on him." Pete said

"Yeah" I sighed

"Let's go to lunch and not talk about how Dallon was in pain. Speaking of Dallon is he going to sit with us today instead of his jock friends." Brendon laughed

"Well let's find out" I smiled

We walked into the building and saw Dallon was sitting at our table with Mari.

"Hey guys! I hope you don't mind us sitting here" Dallon said

"No not at all" I smiled

Adventurually Ryan and Mikey joined us.

"What did we miss" Ryan asked while sitting next to Brendon

"Nothing much" I replied

"Okay" Mikey added while sitting next to pete.

"So every one at this table is no longer single. Good" I smiled

"Yeah but Ty and I aren't public yet Cus if my mother found our she'd kill me and kick me out of the house" josh sighed

"Dallon? Why aren't you sitting with us?" Questioned one of the jock kids

"Andy, I'm not just friends with you guys" Dallon responded

"Dude, but like you sit with us every day? Why stop now and ditch us to hang out with the stoner kids" said another jock kid

"Dude, the only stoners that I know of in the group is brendon and pete." Dallon laughed

"Bro, but like you ditched us that's not cool and why isn't Tyler sitting with us either?" Asked andy

"I don't even know you guys so why would I sit with you?" I added

"Your the best basketball player in the whole school? Just face it you belong in our group" one of the kids said

"Just because I play basket ball doesn't mean I'm a jock and I have to sit with you guys" I replied

"And to be quiet honest I rather hang out with my real friends" Dallon added

"But bro, I thought we were friends" said the winey one out of the group.

"Dude, just because We both play sports doesn't mean I'm your friend." Dallon responded

They walked away with their arms crossed

"Lord, those kids are awful" Ryan said once the jocks went away

"I couldn't agree any more" Dallon sighed

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