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When I woke up I headed straight to the living room to make some coffee but it seems like Mikey already beat me to it.

"You want some?" Mikey asked

"Yes please" I responded right away

He grabbed a mug from a cabinet and began to poor me a cup of coffee.He soon handed me the cup and I gulped it down all down in a matter of seconds.

I heard a couple of yawns from the couch. The giant and the midget finally woke up.

"Good morning doll" Dallon's voice crooked to Mari

"Good morning Dal" she giggled

At least he's not calling her princess.Lunch has corrupted my mind.

Dallon soon began to tickle her. Poor girl, I heard in France it's a from of punishment....

Patrick, Andy, and Joe all woke up from Mari's and Dallon's giggles.

"Can you all just shut up, I have a massive headache right" Joe complained

"Then maybe you should stop drinking and maybe you wouldn't have a 'massive headache' " patrick snarled at Joe.

"If you guys are going to fight then do it some where else. It's to early to deal with all of your bullshit." Mikey snarled back

Patrick, Joe, and Andy all just left.

Once the door shut Mikey began to talk again.

"Thank god they left, I never liked them any ways" he growled

"Maybe Patrick's just on his period.I'm sure he's a nice guy" Mari giggled

Her statement was followed by a bunch of giggles by Dallon.

He was crying tears at this point.

At this point every one woke up from Dallon's loud laughter.

"Shut the hell up Dallon" Ryan said while coming into the room

"Ryan? Is that you?" Mari asked

"Marissa? What the hell are you doing here. I though you were still in England!" Ryan said while running over to her and hugging her tightly.

" I moved back here this year" she smiled

"Wait? You know Ross?" Dallon asked

"Yeah I know 'Ross'. He was like my first boyfriend" she stated.

I can see the expression on Dallon's face turn to slightly confused to jealousy.

"Well she was my only girlfriend. Dal don't worry, it ended like after a week because 1. I was her best friend and 2. I was gay." He added

Dallon brought her closer to him.

"It's Dallon not Dal." He snarled

"Dallon, there's no need to get mad at him. We only dated to hide the fact he was gay" she laughed

"Yeah, we even kissed by my mom to show her that I'm not gay. Too bad she found gay porn under my bed a week after" he responded In laughter.

"Okay" he smiled and kissed her head.

Jesus those two can't seem to get away from another.

"Ryan's just a friend Dally, don't worry" she made sure that he was okay

"Then why did you say that I was just a friend to your mom when I met her?"he asked

"At the time she would have killed me for dating some one. I just wanted to see if she liked you and she did so everything worked out Dally. Don't worry I'm yours and yours only" she smiled while Dallon pulled her into a kiss

I wish I had someone to do that to me.

Brendon ran into the kitchen.

"Ryan, learn how to shut the God damn door" Brendon whined.

"Guys since almost every ones up let's start to clean this place up." I suggested

Every one started to pick up empty cups.

An hour later the living room was cleaned.

While In that hour Dallon and Mari kissed liked 50 times.

Pete came down but wasn't that much of help. He was all over Mikey. Lord.

I was the only single person in the whole house right now and things couldn't get more awkward.

Frank and Gee are still asleep.

I forgot to introduce you to Frank. Frank had the whole 'punk' look down but the truth is he doesn't act 'punk'. He acts sweet most of the times. He's like the only person in the whole house who doesn't have beef with any one. He went to our school last year but he was a senior so he's out of that hell hole.
Him and gee are dating and have been ever since Frank was a freshman. I find it cute actually.

And I'm jealous of every one here.

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