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playlist: ☼Pulaski at night☼ by Andrew bird

You and Lucky went out to the countryside for a day. You packed lunch in a basket, folded a pink, plaid blanket, and brought a battery-based radio.

Lucky parked his truck on the road beside the grassy hills.  You set the blanket on the top of the most convenient hill; placed the basket down and put on some soft music.

Lucky joined you and instead of reaching for the food, he grabbed your hand.

"Lay down with me," he stated as he reclined onto the picnic blanket.  "Look at the clouds.  What do you see?"

"Oh no," you chuckled, "I'm really bad at this.  I suck at shapes."

"Just go along with it, it'll be fun!" he rubbed his thumb against your knuckles.

You and Lucky searched the sky for man-made objects.  It took you by surprise because of how intrigued you were by looking at clouds.

Lucky continued to joke around with you.  It was, without a doubt, the best day ever.  You didn't admit it because you didn't want to jinx anything.

You know.  Just in case.

"This is nice." said yourself as you ate lunch with your lover.

Lucky nodded, "It's really therapeutic; we should do it more often."

"I know..that everyone has their bad days, and life isn't always gonna be perfect, but..we could have bad days every day we're together.  It wouldn't matter because that one, good day will be worth it."

He smiled contently to himself before kissing you sweetly.

"I love you." he testified.

"I love you too."

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⏰ Недавно обновлено: Aug 22, 2016 ⏰

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