Chapter Eleven

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I collapsed onto the couch beside Danny in his living room. "I'm so exhausted." I groaned. After the wedding, and dealing with Denis, and then dancing for a few hours, I was so tired.

"Maybe don't stay out til midnight at six and a half months pregnant." He chuckled. "Here." He started untieing my Vans and pulled them off. Danny came to pick me up from the wedding, like we had planned. Cam and I both knew she was going to get drunk, or at least be drinking, and we both decided that she shouldn't be driving, and going to call a cab. I couldn't drive myself, so Danny offered. He wasn't invited to the actual wedding, because they didn't want something to happen with him and Denis to cause a scene, or stress me out even more. Danny understood, so when he came to get me he said a quick congratulations to James and Brandi, and took me back to his house.

"I don't think I'm ever going outside again." I sighed.

"Come on, I think my girls need to go to bed now." Danny held out his hands and stood in front of me. "Let's go."

"I dunno this couch is pretty comfy." I sighed.

"Nope, it's bad for your back. That couch is bad for everyone's back. Bed. Come on." I took his hand and he pulled me up. I was amazed he could even pull me up, with my huge belly, and the fact that I wasn't actually trying to stand at all. We walked down the hall and into the bedroom and I turned my back to Danny.

"Can you unzip me?" I pulled my hair over my shoulder as I brushed it out with my fingers.

"No problem." I felt his arm hands down my back as he unzipped my dress. The whole room was quite. "Ah- there you go." I dropped my dress and stepped out of it. "Here, do you want to sleep in one of my shirts?" I weighed my options.

"Um, sure." Danny opened his closet doors and pulled a t-shirt off its hanger. He handed it to be and I couldn't help but laugh a little.

"Is this really appropriate." It was an Asking Alexandria shirt.

"For you to wear or for me to own?" Danny smirked. I sighed as I put it on, and took off my bra.

"A little bit of both." I walked into the connecting bathroom and took off my makeup, washing my face. The cold water was both refreshing, and relaxing. I dabbed the water off my face with the small white towel hanging up over the toilet. I walked back into the bedroom and crawled into bed. Danny stripped down to his boxers before shutting the light and crawling in on the other side. "Goodnight." I whispered.

"Goodnight, Leda." I pulled the soft blanket over my shoulder and sighed deeply, closing my eyes. I thought about Denis - everything he said. He told me he wants me back. He told me he wants to come home. And now I'm falling asleep beside Danny. And where is he sleeping? Is he still at that hotel? Or is he staying with one of the guys. Are him and Ben even talking again? I rolled over and cuddled into Danny. "Oh-" He chuckled slightly.

"I- is this okay?" I looked up at him. He smiled.

"Of course, Leda." I buried my face in his chest and let his warmth envelope me. He kissed the top of my head gently, and held me tightly. "I love you, Leda."


Ben's POV

I walked inside from out in the backyard, where I was lying in the sun waiting for my hangover to disappear. "Ciara?" I called, not having heard her in a while. No response. "Ciara?" I called again, walking into the living room. Nothing. I walked down the hall. "Ciara?"

"Ben!" I heard her scream. A scream of terror. And then it sounded like someone slapped her. I ran into the bedroom to see her lying on the bed, someone over top of her. Their hands around her neck.

"What the fuck!" I ran over and pulled them off. It was a girl. It was Sam. She stood quickly as Ciara rolled over on the bed, gasping for air, and coughing up blood. "Oh my god." I looked down at her stomach to see a deep gash on her chest. "Ciara oh my god." My heart jumped into my throat as I felt myself start to panic.

"I don't want you Ben. Just her. So go." Sam said evily, a large kitchen knife in her bloodied hand.

"Ben run," Ciara coughed. Sam walked over to me slowly and smiled.

"You should do as your little girl says Ben. Or it's her, and then it's you." I pushed her back so hard she fell into the dresser and collapse to the floor. I kicked the knife away from her hands across the room.

"Ciara call the police." I said, and tossed her my phone. Sam began to laugh.

"How did you not know this was going to happen? You're so stupid, Ben." She stood up, wiping blood from her mouth. "I even came to warn you and everything." That night. When I left Denis at the bar with Dasha. And Sam came to the door. "I just thought I would drop in, see how you're doing. Bad I hope. You're going to be seeing a lot of me for a while, so, I thought I'd start things off on a good note." She tried speaking to Ciara but I forced her out and told her if she ever comes back I would be calling the police. I didn't think she would be coming back ever. And especially not to hurt Ciara. To.....kill Ciara.

"Get out." I snapped.

"Ben, Benny boy, you can't get rid of me that easily." I looked back at Ciara as she spoke to the 911 operator. She was losing blood, and fast. "Not like last time. And this time, your little whore is going to pay the price. The ultimate price, if you will. So, you either shred the divorce papers, and move back in, or, you die too. Sound like a plan?" She smiled widely, like something was wrong with her. She had gone insane.

"Go fuck yourself, Sam." I looked around for something to defend myself with. I picked up an old empty wine bottle from the side table, that was used for display.

"You wouldn't dare." She looked at the bottle.

"Oh yeah? Watch me." I smashed it over her head with all my strength and she fell unconcious immediately. I ran to Ciara's side, hearing police sirens in the background. "Oh- oh my god. Ciara, baby look at me." I picked her up and sat on the bed with her in my arms. "You have to stay awake for me, okay. Don't close you're eyes, oh my god don't close your eyes. Ciara you have to stay with me okay." She nodded ever so slightly. She was getting more pale by the second. "Oh god, oh my god." I felt myself choking up. The paramedics rushed in and put her on a stretcher, wheeling her away. They picked up Sam and I just looked at her. "It was her."

"You're going to have to come to the station with us, sir." Two police officers came and put me in hand cuffs.

"What- why I didn't do anything?"

"We can't be sure of that yet. Just come with us." They pulled me out of the house, with Sam on another stretcher. I was in shock.

A/N: Was it blatantly obvious that I didn't want to write this chapter?

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