"Glad to see you here Y/N." Winston said taking a seat at the head of the meeting table. All the heroes were there. Chatting amongst them selves. After a couple of minutes of catching up, everyone settled in their chairs to listen to Winston's instructions. "To all agents of Overwatch. I would like to thank you all for coming to this very important meeting this afternoon." The scientist looked around the room.
"Today we will be going through many topics. To start off I would like to hand you all your missions that have been se-selected.......ummmm......Hanna?"
Winston paused adjusting his glasses. Hanna being Hanna, she was scrolling through her Instagram feed clearly not paying any attention.
You whispered nudging her side.
She said blushing, turning off her phone setting it on her lap.
Winston nodded and began to hand out files to everyone, except to you. "Y/N, would come and talk to me for a minute?" The big ape asked you slipping out of his chair walking out of the meeting room. "Oh God..." You thought to yourself following Winston through the door. You glanced around the room distracting yourself from the butterflies in your stomach.
"Oh I'm sorry!"
You exclaimed bumping into the Archer who was walking in.
"No it's fine." He smiled, blushing.
You looked down your face turning into a scarlet color. You turned to Winston who was fixated on the two of you.
"Duty calls..."
You smiled at Hanzo then walked over to Winston. "Sorry about that." You explained to Winston. "Oh that's no problem." He chuckled. "You probably are wondering why I brought you here in private to talk to you." He said, his voice like soft thunder.
"I have seen your records and how great you have been doing in training." Winston said."You have been selected, with great honor, to do one of the most important missions I have ever assigned to our newest agents." He said looking at you.
"Oh Lord." You mumbled under your breath.
"And to be safe, I'll assign you a more experienced agent to go along with you." He smiled."I'll send you more information of the mission later today." He said walking back into the meeting room.
"Thank you again agent."
He said entering the room.
"Me?! Why me?!"
You said to yourself putting your hand on your forehead in disbelief.
"Maybe he chose you because your smart, talented, quick to learn, and very...very cooperative." Hanzo said walking towards you.
"Hanzo." You sighed walking to him. "I'm not sure if I can do this....This is my first mission and I-I'm just afraid." You said looking down on the verge of tears. "Don't be." He comforted raising your chin to look him in the eye. "Everything will be alright, your just nervous." The archer smiled, kissing your head softly.
"Did I also mention that you are also very beautiful."
Hanzo said kissing your lips.
Arrows - Hanzo x Reader
Hayran KurguThis is a fan fiction about Hanzo Shimada x Reader. This also is my first fan fiction. So I would be open to comments on what I need to fix etc... Well enjoy Arrows!