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Ava's P.O.V

I avoided most conversation this morning, my mind being in other places, I can't push everyone away. "Focus." I mumbled to my cameras as I tried getting it to focus, "I spent four hundred dollars on you, you better cooperate." I demanded the camera, as if it would listen to me. I lifted it back up, looking at the screen to see it focusing on a person standing in the woods. "Theo!" I gasped jumping back, lowering my camera, I laughed as a smile broke out on his face.

"You know it's not nice to sneak up on girls in the woods right?" I joked, lifting my camera up, snapping a picture of him. "You know it's not good for girls to be alone in the woods right?" He retaliated, a certain amount of concern laced in his voice. I smiled shrugging, "I've been doing it for years." I told him, briefly focusing on the trees, snapping a couple of pictures.

"Do you mind if I take some pictures of you?" I asked nervously, biting my lip as he thought about my question. "Sure, but only if I get to take some pictures of you." He said, lowering himself to be sitting on a rock, I walked over to him, "Fine." I mumbled agreeing to his deal, he smiled over exaggeratedly for a moment before returning to his normal self. "Do you mind?" I asked, stopping myself from moving his arms to be a certain way. "Go ahead." He laughed, I smiled, moving his arms to be crossed as they draped across his knees, almost as if he were hugging them to himself.

"Look right there." I mumbled pointing to a tree just to the right of me, I grabbed my camera, snapping multiple pictures.


"These are amazing." He told me, looking through all the pictures I had taken, "Thanks." I said as I looked over his shoulder, seeing all the different poses in the photos, most of them being in black and white. "Your turn." He grinned deviously, I sighed, "But I don't want to get my picture taken." I whined, he rolled his eyes, lifting the camera, I glared at it. "So difficult." He muttered, moving the camera.

I pulled my phone out of my pocket as it rang, "Where are you? We need to leave for school!" Stiles almost shouted through the phone, holding back a laugh. "I'm coming." I replied, "Sorry, I've got to go." I apologized to Theo once I had hung up the phone. He shrugged, "See you at school." He said, handing me the camera and walking off as if nothing had happened.

I  shook my head and rushed out of the woods, not wanting to be late for school. It is the last day and all.


I smiled softy at Theo across the hall who just rolled his eyes. My lips fell into a straight line at his behavior, jerk. "What's with you and Theo now?" Lydia asked, noticing my mood change after looking at him, "He's nice outside of school but at school he's rude." I scoffed, she laughed, "He's the schools bad boy, of course he's going to keep his reputation." She explained, I sighed. "Fine, I guess you're right." I mumbled.

"Is someone developing a little crush?" Lydia teased as I looked over towards him again, my eyes widening this time. "What is Stiles doing?" I asked, Scott and Lydia both looking over there. "I have no clue." Scott said, shrugging it off. Lydia smirked as I grew anxious. "So you do like him!" She almost shouted. I smacked her arm, "Shh!" I shushed her as my face turned red. "Stiles is coming." She added on, I looked up as my brother stopped next to us, "What was that about?" I asked referring to him and Theo.

"Just talking." He shrugged and walked away, Scott following. "Well, I've got to go to class." Lydia announced, leaving me to stand by my locker. I sighed, trudging to class, thank gosh this is the last day of high school.

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