02- He's Mysterious.

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Nova Dillon

He stared at the back of my head, and I could feel him breathing against my neck. He kept asking to borrow things, but I knew he was only trying to get my attention. That sly- attractive boy. I don't think he'll ever realize how much I don't give a fuck about him. Ever since five minutes ago anyway.

"Hey, I'm trying to focus. Can you please stop?" I turned around and whispered harshly because I was fed up with his bullshit. And for some odd reason, he grinned.

Right as he started to speak the teacher noticed us, "Mr.Sprouse, Ms. Dillon?" His voice echoed, and everyone's eyes immediately turned to us.

I gave Cole a nasty glare, for I knew he was trying to get me in trouble, "Yes sir?" I rolled my eyes.

"Do you two need time alone? I'm surprised Cole's even attending class today," He laughed sarcastically, and I folded my arms.

Cole. His names Cole Sprouse. What a fascinating name, that simply fits his personality- dumb, clingy, and just plain bad! You're probably wondering why my opinion on him has changed so rapidly. At first, I thought he was really flirty and cute. But now he's just plain annoying.

He stood up and lets out a muffled cough, "Can you just leave us the fuck alone?"

Dammit. I should have known he was a bad boy. Just the way he looks at me, I should've been more careful. But seriously, his comment shocked me completely. I've never heard anyone say something so cruel to a teacher before. It was disgusting. Says the one who constantly swears. Me.

"Excuse me-"

"Fuck off," He interrupted and started walking away, sneaking a small crumbled up piece of paper on my desk. Great.

I looked up at him before thinking to open the sketchy note. But I opened it anyways and felt my heart sink.

I'm not asking for anything. I just thought you were cute and would like to introduce myself to you after class.

- Cole

He's probably just lonely and needs someone to keep him company. And that's exactly what I thought- but it wasn't true.

After class I walked outside the school, hoping to find him somewhere close. And of course, I spot Cole, leaning against a tree and smoking a cigarette that would always make me cringe.

I approached him nervously, with a blank smile, "Hi Cole."

"Hi," His saggy eyes look up at me in a depressed way. If he liked me? This wasn't the best way to impress a girl.

"So what do you want?" I groaned, "Money, or something?"

I watched him shove one of his hands in his pockets and slouch deeper against the tree, "You should consider yourself lucky, I don't usually talk to people."

"Why am I lucky? You don't seem that big of a deal here at this school," I bite down on my lip, "Not trying to sound rude or anything."

"Thanks?" he scoffs, "I'm just saying. I don't usually talk to people. I just saw that you were pretty, and my neighbor."

"So you don't-" I paused, thinking my question would be too awkward, "Never mind."

"No nothing like that," He laughs, "Love is a foolish thing, I don't have time for it."

His comment made me laugh. I've never heard someone say something so- stupid! It's like he was in Romeo and Juliet or some shit. But it was pretty funny.

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