12- Letters.

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Nova Dillon

It's strange how far things tend to escalate. I spent the rest of the day inside my ex boyfriends house, listening to his twin brother tell me old insane stories. But Dylan, he and I had a lot in common. Which led us to become best friends.

I didn't go to school the day after that. Instead, Dylan and I hung out on top of his roof. Sharing more stories about each other's lives. I always had a way with spilling my life stories onto people.

One thing I realized was, Cole deserved respect, and trust. I felt like it was my job to find him, and heel him. Maybe he left for a very good reason, maybe I was the one being selfish.

Cole M. Sprouse. You changed my life in an extraordinary way. Something no ones ever heard of before. So if you're reading this, I ask you to come back because I truly miss you. When I told you my life was out of place, and I was unfocused. It meant something completely different in your eyes. I realized that loosing you, was only killing me. So, please come back to me! I miss you in a way that impossible. I love you.

I threw the letter across the room, seeing how desperate I sounded. I hated myself for having these mixed emotions. I just didn't know what I was doing with my life.

I turned off the lights. It was hard being around Dylan, seeing how he looked and sounded so similar to Cole, but that's the joy of twins I guess.

"Nova, this was left by the door for you," My mom entered my room and I let out a loud groan.

"What? I'm really tired mom," she hands me a red velvet box, and I gulp.

"Just take it, it's probably from that boy you've been hanging out with," She left my room and I waited to open the box.

When I finally did open it, I became frustrated. Inside was a silver necklace, with a little note attached to it.

I'll be back, keep your head high and stay strong. I love you.

- Cole M. Sprouse

Fuck boy. Hell no. You can't just send me letters like this, and expect me to hang on and be okay. Yeah, I talk about you every day and even write about you. I guess you can say I'm a little obsessed, but you piss me off.

I threw the note across the room, picturing him as I always would. He was in a grassy field, the light shining down on him and making his hair look lighter than usual. He was looking up at me with a smirk, and then slowly started squirming closer. He was happy as I wanted him to be, and I only wished it was real. But I didn't at the same time.

God, I'm screwed up.

"Where are you going Nova?" My mom asked as I ran downstairs. It was the middle of the night, but that didn't stop me.

"It was Cole," I mumbled, "He's a douchebag who thinks he can send me letters and make everything magical and better again."

She smiled, and approached me. Not acting like it was a bad thing, "What did I tell you Novy? Just stick to that blonde haired boy."

"Dylan? Dylan is Cole's twin brother mom," I fired back at her.

"Are you serious? Well god."

"Nothing is easy. I now have his energetic brother in my life who looks exactly like him," I groaned, and started to pace, "I forgot about him for a while, until I became curious and ended up meeting Dylan."

"Maybe it'll be for the best if you stop hanging out with Dylan also," She sighed. And for once, I kind of agreed with her.

"I know. But I'm not like that. He has no friends, and I can't just unfriend him like that," I buried my head into my hands, "He's nice to me."

"I hate to say this. But it's your decision," She rubbed my back slowly, "So think clearly, before you choose to change your life."


Cole Sprouse

I sent her a letter. Only to calm her down because I knew she was most likely freaking out after my betrayal. It's just one of those things you know is happening in someone's life.

You might be wondering why I haven't gone back to her yet. It's because I needed to fix myself, I was torn and fucked up. She deserved someone far better than me like I've said multiple times. I made her a promise to come back, so that's what I have to do.

This may be out of the subject, but when I first met Nova. I was socially awkward, and made her feel bad for me obviously. I got over her the next couple of days, but every time she'd give me the slightest bit of attention, I'd fall in love with her. To be quite clear, I told her how much I hated love. Because every time I loved anyone, something terrible would happen to them. That's why I feel so terrible for leaving Nova, because I have to protect her.

This morning while my best friend was sleeping. I left, needing to get away from the drugs. Because every time I tried to stop, he'd only convince me.

I was lost. Lost in a empty field, waiting for some building to show up. I knew we hadn't gone that far out of town, but I was still lost and confused.

Once I reached a building, I still didn't see anyone. Until I walked inside that is. And I didn't like the way the building looked. An old guy with a long grey beard stood at the counter. He probably thought I was trashy or homeless, because that's what I looked like at the moment.

"Can I use your phone?" I asked, my voice almost gone because I hadn't slept in days, and I was really sick.

He examined me for a moment, probably expecting me to rob him or some shit. But I'm not that kind of person as you already know.

"Yeah," He handed me a phone and took a step backwards, "Please give it back afterwards."

I dialed Dylan's number, needing him to pick me up even though I hated his sorry guts. Dylan went down the right path as we grew up. Before my family died, he lived with my aunt- who was rich, and that's why he's currently rich. What I'm saying is, we're very different. And he judges me, and everything I do.

"Dylan," I coughed once he answered.

"Cole? Damn, you sound terrible," He laughed, "Hey I found a g-"

"I need you to pick me up," I interrupted, "I'm in trouble, in the middle of no where."

"Don't tell me you're in jail!"

"No, I'm lost," I groaned, "Wait, who did you find?"

"Nova Dillon? She's seriously my fav-"

"Don't fuck with her!" I yelled and the bearded man scowled, "I'm serious Dylan, that girl right there! She is mine!"

"Jesus Christ! I'm not! She found me, and thought I was you. We're friends," He explained, but I rolled my eyes.

He always tried to take my girlfriends away from me, but it never worked. "I'm coming for her," My voice cracked, "I'm at Rusty Ben's Cafe."

"What the hell is that? Or where?"

"Look it up! Just hurry!" I demanded, then quickly hung up the phone.

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