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Nova Dillon

I couldn't process anything. He was standing in front of me, and the only thing I could do was stand there. My anger rising up the longer he held onto me.

"Are you seriously going to be mad at me right now?" Cole's eyes fixated to mine, and we stopped dancing, "I made this amazing entrance to surprise you, and you won't even kiss me?"

"I'm not going to forgive you," I exclaimed and took a step away from him, "Your stupid ass shouldn't have left in the first place."

"I left for you! I left to get clean and make you happy," He said in response, "I love you. And you love me, right?"

At that moment I remembered Louis. Who had given me flowers five minutes before this incident, and was probably heart broken to see us together on stage.

"Cole," My voice cracked, "You can't just leave for three months and expect me to not move on. I like someone else now, and you're going to have to move on like I did."

Those words crushed me like a thousand knives. But it was the honest to god truth, "Don't say that Nova. You know how much we love each other. You know it!"

"Get over yourself," I let go of him finally, "We knew each other for three days, three fucking days. It may take three months for me to forgive you, which if you didn't know was how long you where gone for."

I tried walking away, but he grabbed my arm, "Nova you can't leave me! You're the only thing that's kept me from dying. I love you more than anything in this world!"

"Listen to yourself. You sound like a baby! Don't put me in this situation, where you want to kill yourself if you can't be with me," I rose my voice, "You are putting me in a bad situation, why couldn't you just stay in that drug hole of yours?"


"You left me Cole!" I yelled, "Who waited for you to appear at my window? I did! Who stopped by your house everyday after school?"

"You only stopped by my house so you could see Dylan. And I know, I shouldn't have left you," He almost started crying, "I need you in my life."

"You apparently where fine with out me. Maybe it's for the best," Our teary eyes locked. And that's when I made the decision to run outside, just for some fresh air.

I took a seat on the side of the road, under a lamp post. I could hear the crickets chirp, and the cars pass through. I was crying my eyes out.

"Nova?" I heard a familiar British voice say from behind me. I knew who it was, but I didn't want to see him, "Nova, are you okay?"

I continued to cry. And I felt as he sat next to me, worried, "What do you want Louis?" I asked.

"Did he hurt you? Because I can't let him do that to you," His lips parted, "He's a dick. I would know, he used to be my best friend."

"I'm really fine Louis. Right now,
I'd prefer to be alone."

I cried harder, and Louis continued to comfort me. I felt safe in his arms, but it wasn't the same as how I felt with Cole. Which was depressing.When I thought of love or anything really. I thought of Cole Sprouse. But I also had a tender spot for Louis in my heart, I didn't know why because we're completely different. I guess this is my way of figuring things out with Cole.

"I should go," I took a deep breath and stood up, "I'll see you later. I'm just exhausted."

"Don't go back to him Nova. You deserve better!" He held both of my hands in front of me, "Look at me babe, I'm right here."

"I'm finding his brother to give me a ride home," I bit my lips, "That's all."

I started running back towards the front doors, and into the loud building that held hundreds of students. The first thing I spotted was Dylan and Cole. Having a conversation in the corner of the room.

I didn't want to see or talk to Cole. But I did it anyways because I needed to talk to Dylan.

"Dylan, let's go," I grabbed his arm and immediately started walking back towards the doors.

"Nova wait," I heard Cole say, and he placed his hand on the same arm that held onto Dylan.

"What? I don't want to talk to you. Not now, or possibly ever," I turned around, and felt my heart crush as I saw how desperate he looked.

"One more dance?"

All of the beach flashbacks came flooding back into my brain. Which led me to remember our prom discussion. He reached for hand, and for some odd reason I let him take me. I shouldn't have done this. Because I fell in love with him all over again.

We started dancing calmly to a really slow song. But I had no control. I didn't understand why I was doing this. I hated him right now.

"Cole I-"

"Shh," He whispered, "Let's just enjoy this moment as it is. Okay? I know you hate me. But you won't for long. I swear."

I didn't say anything in response. But continued to dance with him, who was so talented when it came to dancing.

The way his arms wrapped around me made me feel warm, and he looked down at me with a gentle and sad smile.

After our dance, I took a step away from him, "Okay, now I'm really leaving. I have a lot to think about."

I didn't know how he took those words. But again, I wasn't thinking straight. I grabbed Dylan and ran through the school doors, and back towards his truck.

"You're the most confusing girl I've ever met, you know that?" Dylan laughed as we entered his truck, "I thought you hated him? But you still dance with him."

"I know," I yawned, "But I think I like Louis Tomlinson also."

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