18- Carry On.

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Nova Dillon

Although the councilor gave me some pretty helpful advice as I was in her presence. I still needed time to think, and take care of myself who was actually still young. I felt like a fifty year old women, trapped inside an eighteen year old girls body. And it could've been true, but no one knew I thought this way.

My walk home was quiet as the wind whistled and the leaves fell from above. The streets where empty, and all was heard was my feet crushing the leaves underneath me.

I was surprised to see Louis at the end of the street. His brown hair blowing upwards as he sat on top of a brick wall. He was looking at me with an almost sorry smile. And it made my heart sink in a good and bad way.

But I chose to ignore him, and continue walking home while looking down at my feet.

"Hey hot stuff," He joked around, and jumped off the fence landing in front of me. His smile was tender, and he didn't seem to blink, "Please tell me, are you okay?"

I finally looked up at him and pierced my lips together, "I don't know," Was the only thing I could really say.

"Listen," He whispered softly and glided his fingers through my hair, "We might not be a lot alike. But I care about you a lot Novy! I just want you to be able to tell me things."

"If I tell you I love someone else. Can you still love me?" I gave him a serious look, and I actually wrapped my arms around his waist.

"What are you saying?" He held me tighter, "I just don't want you to make the wrong decision, because I love you. That may sound strange, but I really do."

"I know you do," I sighed, "But I also love Cole, as much as I hate to tell you this."

His eyes became dark, but I could feel how much he understood, "Okay, as long as you really want him," He nodded, "Just promise me, you won't let him hurt you."

"I won't," I closed my eyes for a brief moment, "Let's be best friends- because I still have a little crush on you," I poked his nose and made him chuckle, but I still could feel his broken heart.

"I love ya Novy," He kissed my forehead, "You're the most strong, intelligent, and beautiful girl I've ever met. I just wanted to let you know that."

"Thank you Louis," I grinned, "Also, I'm sorry about the fair. That was really uncalled for."

"No worries! That incident happened three months ago," He laughed and again played with my hair, "I'll see you later."

We went our separate ways, and I finally felt a little bit of calmness inside of me. Louis didn't force me to be with him. It was my decision, and he respected it. That's why I can go back to Cole without any problems. But is that really what I want to do?

I walked by Cole's house and seen Dylan tending to his overly priced truck. He gave me a faint smile, and I waved, "Hi Dylan."

"What's up Nova?" Dylan responds, And I noticed the blinds behind him quickly shut. I knew Cole was in there. Probably planning a way to get me back or something.

"Nothing," I bit my lips, "Will you-" I paused, "Please tell Cole hi for me?"

"I'd love too," He says excitingly, "He really cares about you- I hope you realize that.."

"I know he does. Things are just difficult right now," I gulped and tried to prevent myself from crying, "Just let him know that I care and love him."

Dylan's lips curled like a little girl trying to hook up their divorced parents, "Wow, you don't know how excited I am to tell him that."

"Wow," I chuckled, still giving him a faint smile, "I'll see you around, okay Dylan?"

"Yeah, see you later. Don't be surprised if I walk on your roof again. Us Sprouse brothers have a thing for roofs if you didn't already know," He almost chuckled, an let out a yawn afterwards, "Have a good night sleep and everything else!"

I let out another small giggle as I started heading towards my house. I couldn't seem to stop staring at Cole's bedroom window, where I swear I saw a figure that looked just like him. He was most likely watching me every move. And somehow I was okay with it.

Once I was inside my house I noticed my mom sitting on our couch- crying. I instantly became worried, and ran towards her as fast as I could, "Mom, are you okay? What happened?" I widened my eyes.

"Nova.." She whispered, "We need to go the hospital."

My pupils shrunk a couple sizes as she said this. I couldn't imagine what was going on. And it scared me to death. One thing I did notice was Calen was no where to be seen.

"What's wrong? Did something happen?" My voice cracked about seven times, "Where's Calen?"

She started crying harder, "Calen got hit by a car on his way home from his friends house. Why you where off with some boy. He's not okay."

My heart dropped to my stomach. And all I could do was freeze in disbelief. Hoping Calen was okay, but not understanding any of this, "But I wasn't-"

"We have to go now!" She grabbed my hand and started running out the door. We drove to the hospital. And I still couldn't speak nor blink.

"Calen Dillon!" My mom shouted at the nurse once we where inside, eager to see him, "My son. I have to see him!"

"Right this way ma'am," We both ran into his room and seen the little boy. Bruises all over his face, and his calm eyes closed tightly.

I remembered the day before we moved to Chicago. How he swore, and I laughed and told him he couldn't say that word. He was so adorable, I should have talked to him more.

It crushed me seeing him in this condition. My sweet little brother who had done nothing to deserve this.

We both cried hard next to him. Gliding our fingers across his cheeks and praying that he'd be okay. But we couldn't think. Not anything other than Calen.

"Melody," A familiar deep voice mumbled from behind us both. And we turned around quickly.

It was my dad. Standing with sorry eyes, and a worried expression. He's came back.

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