Chapter #2 My Goodbye

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*Ring Ring* I heard fatly the alarm clock

"Joseph wake up!"- I heard a voice in my head

"Nydia you know I don't like it when you're in my head"- I said

"Why can't you just knock on my door and wake me up like a normal person?"- I asked

"That's the thing, were not normal if you dint know genius"- she said

"To shay"- I said

"Now get ready cause we are leaving in a few hours"- she said

I got up from bed, took a shower, got dress and headed down stairs to get my tuff in the car trunk and to make things a lot easier Nydia used her telekinesis to make the process quicker. When everything was finally in place Keyla conjured up some vines to keep the boxes tight so they won't move. I went back inside so I can say goodbye to Carlos and Kiara before they leave for school.

"This is for you"- Kiara said as she gave me a card with a red and aqua colored rose

"Aww Kiara this is so sweet of you"- I said with tears already coming out

"I know red and aqua are your two favorite colors so I told big sis to use her powers to make a rose with does colors. Not only that but those two colors have more meaning than you think. Red means toughness and aqua means kindness meaning you have those two colors in your personality."- she said with a sweet and sad voice

"Thank you so much Kiara this gorgeous present and kind words"- I said giving her a tight hug

"I will miss you so much big bro"- she said making me tear even more

My brother was sitting in the stairs almost crying as well. As I went towards him he immediately gave me a hug.

"I'll miss you bro"- he said to me

"Me too bro, and keep an eye out around here cause now you will be the man of the house"- I said to him

"You know I will"- he said as I went to Keyla

"If only Mom and Dad could be here to see you all grown up and finally going to SOA"- Keyla said giving me a tight hug

"I really miss them Keyla"- I said crying

"We won't lose hope yet, were ever they are soon both of them will come back and we can all be together again"- she said crying as well

"You think I will be good as them even if I don't my powers? What if I get bullied again for being the odd one out"- I ask and she looked at me

"You will be ok with or without powers and forget what anyone else thinks because you have a lot of potential just believe in yourself, don't give up and be yourself always. If that doesn't work remember what dad taught you when he was here"- she said

"Thanks Keyla"- I said giving her another hug

After saying good bye to everyone Nydia and I got on the car and made our way to SOA. On our way we dint talk much, just a little bit of what I could expect in the school and how to do my best. It was interesting to hear Nydia's perspective of the school although she wasn't there all the way through. In about 7 in a half hours passed we came across a huge weird forest.

"Is this it?"- I asked

"Wait for it"- she replied

Nydia closed here eye's and an awkward silence started. It looked like she was concentrating on something and before I knew it everything disappeared and a huge entrance appeared.

"Now we're are here"- she said

It was just so cool and beautiful all around us. As we we're entering you can see a lot of students walking around, hanging out with friends, and in a distance I saw a group of other students showing of their abilities. There was a short guy, with curly brown hair making two fire balls in each hand. Another girl that has like blue tips in her hair was doing the same thing but with dark little balls circling around her. In the middle of them a big guy was literally levitating in the air.

"Nydia what ability are those two?"- I pointed at them

"Where?"- she asks looking at the window

"The girl with the black balls around her and the guy just floating there"- I pointed at them again

"Oh, well first of all those dark balls are called orbs meaning she has the dark ability and the guy floating I'm not sure because for you to levitate like that you have to be either a mind, spirit, or air."- she explained

"Oh ok... Wait a minute, You can levitate?"- I turn to her

"I do actually just not a big fan to be up in the air"- she said

I chuckled "Poor Nydia-" "Ow"- I got cut off by a hit

"Next time I will make you see what it feels like to fall from a high place"- she said

"I was just joking"- I said rubbing the back if my head

We reached the main lobby and there was a huge crowd of people walking around, moving boxes, going inside the building and some saying goodbye to their love ones.

"Well Joseph, this is it"- Nydia said parking the car


Sorry guys for the wait on this chapter I've been busy lately. Hope you enjoyed chapter #2, coment, like, and there will be more to come in this book. Chapter 3 will have a lot of surprises,

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