Chapter 10: Training

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The next morning, Javier woke me up early to go training with him. I was going to act sick so I could stay in bed all day, but then Javier told me that when you're sick a little shock can get rid of it. I don't know if it's true or not, but I don't want to find out. So we both got ready and headed to the field.

"First things first, let's do 2 laps around the field," Javier said

"Let the torture begin," I muttered

A few minutes passed and we did the two laps around the field. After that we stretched, did a little bit of more exercise, and took a 5min break so we could start the real training.

"Shall we begin?" Javier asked. I nodded

"Try to lift that boulder over there in the forest. I don't know much about minds, but let's try practicing using the telekinesis skill." He pointed at the boulder.

I turned around and saw the boulder. Taking a deep breath, I raised my hand, concentrating on the boulder, I was slowly rising it in the air.

"I did it," I said excited as the boulder landed on the floor.

"Nicely done. Let's do something a little more challenging," Javier said walking towards the boulder.

"What do you mean?" I ask.

"I'm going to use my electricity to move it towards you and you are going to try to stop it."

"I'll try my best," I said, going farther away from it.

"Ready?" he yelled.

"I guess," I replied.

"Here goes," he said, I saw sparks behind the boulder.

The boulder came straight at me at full speed. I quickly held my hand out to stop it. It was hard to slow it down. When it was right in front of me, I raised both my hands, causing the boulder to fly up over my head and land a few feet away.

" were supposed to stop it, but that works too," Javier said, walking towards me.

"It was a little hard, but I tried my best," I said.

"On to our next exercise," he said.

"What's next?" I asked.

He began to grab some rocks.

"Go stand over there"- He pointed to a spot in front of him.

"Ok?" I stated confused.

"Think fast," He yelled as he threw a rock towards me.

The rock flew at lightning speed. Out of pure instinct, I used my ability, stopping it right in front of my face.

"Are you crazy? That almost hit me!" I yelled.

"Try dodging them," He ordered.

"Can't you warn-" I tried to say but more rocks more where flying at me.

I barely dodged about five of them. Two almost hit me in the face. Eventually, he stopped throwing at me.

"See? You're getting the hang of it. Now I'm going all out," he said.

I got in position as I saw the sparks coming out from him. He started throwing rocks at a speed that I could barely see. This time it was like he was manipulating ten times more than before. I tried dodging one, but it was traveling at such a speed that I had no way of dodging it. That's when I started getting hit back to back, falling on the ground.

"You okay?" he asked once he stopped.

"Yeah, I'm okay," I said, getting up from the ground. "One more time," I demanded, once I regained my composure.

"Okay then," he said as the rock throwing picked up again.

"Time to make use of my ability," I whispered to myself.

I closed my eyes concentrated on my breathing. Opening my eyes, I felt them change while my power was growing from within me. I could feel the extent of my power. My strength was growing and it made me move forward.

As I moved forward, I could see every single rock getting thrown at me dodging them with ease. He started throwing them faster, but I dodged them easily. I focused my power, making the rocks stop midair. I smirked at him and threw the rocks back. He looked surprised for a second, but dodged them quickly.

"So this is how it's going to be? Then I'll get serious as well," I heard Javier saying as I saw more sparks coming out from him

With incredible speed, he started throwing punches at me. My fast reflexes helped me dodge them, I went to punch him, as well, but he blocked my every hit. He backed away and threw lightning at me. It was coming at full speed, but I could dodge them while I ran towards him.


Sorry for the short chapter but i wanted to upload something so you readers can enjoy a shot chapter while i keep writing. Im deeply sorry for the lack of uploads but ive been recovering from the hurricane Maria that you all may know by now of what happend in Puerto Rico. Thank God nothing horrible or tragict happend to me nor my family and friends. I'll be sure to keep updating more and more even if its a short chapter. I know i made a huge cliffhanger but im currently writting the next chapter to upload this week (I hope).

PS: Fun fact about me if you didn't nottest, i live in Puerto Rico <3

Thank you all for reading this chapter I hope you enjoy it and be sure to leave a star or a comment with any suggestions you guys have

Have a good day/night/afternoon/morning/ and I'll see you guys on the next chapter

Love you all <3

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