August Rain

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"Chrisley! Get up you're going to be late for school!"

"Ugh, I'm up!" I yelled back to my alarm clock called mom. I rolled out of bed. Damn i forgot how much I hated school. It's my last year though, thank god I'm a senior.

I finally get up after laying on my phone looking through all my social media sites. I go into my bathroom and get in the shower before school. I wash my hair and body then get out. i go to my closest and pick something out to wear. After i get dressed i get my phone, my backpack, turn off my bedroom and shut the door. I walk down the hallway to the kitchen. My mom was sitting at the table smoking just like she did every morning. My dad was already gone for work before i get the chance to see him. 

"I'm leaving, bye." 

"Your brother isn't going to school."

"What a shocker," I mumble under my breath. My brother is 12 and skips school more than any teenager i know. I mean hell it's the first full day of school, grated that he's been sick but still i want a pass to miss school all the damn time. I walk out the door and go to my car. I get in and head to school. I hate high school so much. If this wasn't my last year i would lose my shit. I blast my music the whole way to school. See I'm not a morning person, i don't like talking to people when i first wake up nothing at all i want to be left alone for at least two hours after waking up, school messes that whole thing up.

I pull into the gas station beside our school and get a energy drink to help me deal with people's bull shit today. I pull into the high school parking lot shortly after the gas station; parking into the same spot ive had since i could drive to school. Everyone is already honking and being annoying just like every other school year, like damn give it a break guys it's not even 8 yet. 

I get out and walk over to the big group of people that all used to be my friends but now i just go other to get my best friend May. I used to be friends with them all but i got in trouble for drinking with Courtney making our moms hate each other so we aren't allowed to talk anymore. Courtney's boyfriend Mike, used to be like my brother until all that shit happened with Courtney now he doesn't speak to me. Eric used to be a good friend of mine until he screwed me over and told things on me that he shouldn't have, goes to show you, you cant trust anyone. Ryan is last of the group but main one kinda like the leader he is May's older brother. We used to be best friends never left each others side until we dated and he fucked me over and now we dont look at each other. Yes, I'm best friends with my ex's sister shut up it's weird i know. 

"Chris!" I hear someone yell pulling me away from my thoughts. They call me Chris for short its a boy name i get it but its kinda cool so whatever.

"Chris, over here!" I can now tell it was May yelling for me from Ryan's car. See May is younger than all of us. We all range from 17 to 18 years old where as May is just about to turn 16. Which means she has to ride to school with her brother. I walk over to the side of the car she was on and opened her door.

"Ready for your senior year?!" She yelled. Oh May she knows i hate mornings but she it still this bright eyed loud person every morning. 

"Couldn't be anymore ready than i am." I said and she got out of the car.

"Hey Chris," Eric said from his truck. I rolled my eyes and ignored him. I glance over and locked eyes with Ryan. Mistake, a big one. I looked away as fast as i could. I hated those eyes. I was still madly in love with him and everyone including him knew it. 

We walked into the high school and head to get our schedules to see what our classes were. This year should be easy seeing as i have just about all of my credits so there shouldn't be much left to do.

"Chris, what lunch do you have?" May asked snapping me back to the real world.

"uh 1st, you?"

"1st, well at least we can see each other during the day. I'll see you then i have to get to class have a good day."

"you too."

We walk our separate ways. I put in my headphones and walked down the halls to my first block, which is english. Just great english with the bitchy teacher first thing in the morning starting senior year with a bang.  I walk into the class room and sit down and soon after the room began to fill up. The kids in this class aren't too bad i think i'll be just fine. The first bell rang and everyone is in there seats to get started. 

Our teacher is at the front of the class about to call roll with the door flies open. Someones late on the first day, classy. I stay looking forward not caring who just showed up.

"Nice of you to join us mr.." the teacher started wanting him to finish the sentence.

"Ryan, my name is Ryan."

Damn, just when i though english with a bitchy teacher was enough lets throw my ex boyfriend that ruined my life that i still cant get over into the mix.  I feel his body brush mine as he walks to the seat in front of me. He sits down and the teach continued to call roll. He turned and looked at me making sure i knew he was there. He's such a big headed asshole. 

"Well, well Chris this should be a good semester, right?" He smirked and turned around.

Lets just mess with Chrisley's head more why won't ya. Ugh just fall of the earth please. This may be the worse year of high school i've had, and its only the first day. Guess who has work after this as well. Yep the world just isn't in my favor today, or any day. 

The day finally finishes and I walk out of the school heading to my car. Once i reach my car Ryan is leaned up against my car waiting for me. 


I walk up to my car not even acting like i know he is there. I try to open my door and he closes it shut. 

"Awh come one Chris don't be like this." he started

"Like this? Really Ryan? What am  suppose to be like? Run up to my car with a big smile so happy that my ex is leaned up against it? I have to go to work, please move and that's as nice as i can be to you." I said firmly hoping he would actually listen and move. But like i said the world is never in my favor. He takes his hand and lifts my face up to look at him.

"Look Chris, i came over here to say i'm sorry. I was an asshole i know i just wanted you to know that. I want us to be friends again like we use too. i miss that, please?" He asked. I looked in those devil eyes knowing i would regret this, but i cant every tell this boy no. There's something about him.

"Fine." I said not taking long to give in. 

He smiled "I'll see you later don't be late for work." Shit work i forgot all about that. I get into my car and race the place i hate more than school Dairy Queen. Work for 8 hours is not want i want but at least i like the people that work here. We are all in High School, we always have the best time at work there is never a dull moment helps hell seem less hot. 


Hi guys this is my new book! I really wanted to start over and im so sorry for not finishing my other books but i am going through them and plan on redoing them. I had an idea for a book at midnight and wanted to go with it. It doesnt seem like much now but just stick with me its going to get interesting.

Thanks! xoxo 

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 03, 2016 ⏰

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