Seeing Sam again

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Hey look who's not dead! I am so sorry for not posting this earlier. School got really chaotic and stuff, but I've finished school forever D: Anyway updates should be back to normal...unless I get a job and get accepted into the corse I wanna get into for Uni (Collage for all you Americans). Anyway enjoy :D

A lot has changed in the last three years. Sam and Mikaela went to live with each other until they broke up, after Sam said something stupid. Sam is now living in Washington DC looking for a job, while Mikaela is off doing her own thing in New York.

Since we've all been apart I haven't seen Sam or Mikaela in a long time. Sam says that 'with me working at NEST is a danger to his health because we always end up in a middle of a war.' Which I don't really understand since I hear him going on about wanting to help with the Autobots.

After our little fight about it, we stopped talking and I haven't seen or herd from him since.

Mum and dad are off traveling and having the time of their lives when they send me letters, along with asking how my relationship with a curtain giant alien robot is.

And me? Im still working at NEST along side my old Captain William Lennox, who is still in charge. NEST has expanded over the few years, with more Autobots coming to help keep the Decepticons at bay, as well as protecting Earth from humans them selves.

I looked out the window and sighed. Lennox has sent me to go and meet with someone who has been part of a secret project that no one knew about except Sector 7 agents. And since Sector 7 got shut down, all the information that was kept locked away, is now being shared with us.

One thing I'm not looking forward to about this job is that Sam had to be working at the same place as him. And of course Lennox is making me talk to him. My grip on the wheel tightened and a range of beeps came through the radio. My grip loosened and I looked at the radio. "Sorry Bee I didn't mean to." I said and turned back to the road.

"Are you-thinking of-Sam?" Bee asked causing the music to completely stop. I nodded my head. "I don't exactly want to see him again. I mean yeah, it's been what, three years since I last talked to him. And not once has he called to say hi." I said though gritted teeth.

Bee kept quiet though out my ranting. The seat beneath me started to heat up after a while and I sighed and looked at his radio. "Thank you Bee." I said with a smile and patted the dash.

He let out a few happy beeps causing me to laugh. Soon we pulled up to the large building and I sighed. "Time to face Sam again." I said and opened the door and saying a quick good bye.

I walked up to the front desk and looked at the lady who sat there. "Uh hello. I'm here to see Jerry Wang." I said. She looked up from the computer and looked me over. She said the floor number and went back to typing away.

I glared at her but said nothing. I got into the elevator and pressed the button. Soon I found my self walking through a horrible yellowed coloured themed floor.

Looking around my eyes finally found there way to a familiar person sitting at a desk surrounded with paper. I walked over and lent on his desk.

"Look who finally found a job." I said with a smirk, trying not to sound like I'm pissed at him. Sam jumped and looked up at me. "What? How did you?" He said looking at me with a shocked expression.

"I'm on a job. One of your work mates is sorta caught up in some business revolving around the bots. His name is Jerry Wang." I said keeping my voice quite.

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