Giant Worm

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As promised. So I thing after this there is gonna be one more chapter and then this book is done. I have set up a poll over on Quotev but ill just ask you guys here. So basically on Saturday I went to see 'Spider-Man: Homecoming' and it was amazing!! So I was thinking I shall give you the close of having a Peter Parker x reader book or having Age of Extinction or both! If you can't decide I'll share the summaries of both books and you can pick from there. (Basically you pick which one comes out first)

All the bots transformed once more and we where on our was to the river. So far nothing was happening until I herd explosions come from behind us. I looked in Bee rearview mirror and saw what looked like a giant drill worm attack Optimus.

"Bee head towards that building." I said as I pointed to one of the still intact buildings. We drove into the building and everyone got out. 

"That is one scary-ass Decepticon!" Epps yelled. I walked over to the windows and looked out to see if it was still out there.

"They got my trailer. I need that flight tech. Shockwave can't hunt all of us at once." Optimus said and then turned towards the Wreckers. "Wreckers, we need a diversion."

Leadfoot and Roadbuster sounded happy about causing destruction and then walked out of the building.

Epps then walked over to me and pointed to the building that we need to get to. "Listen, we're gonna circle around to that glass building, and when we get high enough to make the rocket shot." He then turned to the Autobots that where left and said "While you guys draw his fire. Let's move!"

We all where about to run out when the Que spoke up. "Wait a minute! I'm not letting you go without my urban combat prototypes." He then dropped the objects onto the ground in front of us. Me, Sam, Epps and couple other soldiers walk over to his inventions and picked them up. 

I picked up what looked like a glove of some sort and looked to Sam to see what he picked up. "Those are boom sticks. Armed in thirty seconds." He then looked over to what I was holding and said "Grapple gloves, for climbing."

"Well these might come in handy. I said and put them into my pack and grabbed my gun again. "Alright lets move!" I shouted and everyone ran out of the building.

As soon as we set foot outside Shockwave started to fire at us. The Bots started to fire back as we ran in the direction of the glass building.

We could hear shots being fired in the distance but we kept running. We finally got to the glass building and ran into the foyer and then to the elevators.

Sam tried the elevators but there was no plower to the building. I grabbed Sam's arm and dragged him over to where the stairs where.

After a long climb we finally got to the paint where it should be high enough to get a clear shot. "Come on Eddie!" I yelled as I ran to the window where I could see the building  clearly. 

Eddie with the help of Hooch, they started to set up the rocket. I kept an eye out the window to see if there where any Decepticons near by as well as keeping an eye on Sam.

The building started to slightly tip and I looked over to Sam. "Is it me or is the building feel like it's moving?" I said and Sam nodded his head. "The building is definitely moving."

"They're shooting at the building!" Hooch yelled as he looked out the window. I looked out to see that the ships where shooting as the part where it was already slanted.

"This is not a good idea." Eddie said and I looked over to him. "Eddie, if we don't do this how are we gonna stop them?"

He then turned around to me. "The building is unstable."

"Eddie listen man. We have to do this!" I yelled at him and he shook his head.

"I don't care if the building collapses. I'm having a heart attack anyway." He started to mumble as he pointed the rocket at the building.

When he was about to fire the building started to shake even more and then started to tip. "Everyone grab onto something!" I yelled.

We tried to find something that was attached to the floor but everything but the poles where. Soon the building started to make a loud groaning noice and started to tip even more and everything started to slide down.

Soon the building stopped shifting and we where able to get footing on the now sloped floor. "Guys, look!" Carly yelled and one of the ships started to fly to the floor where where on. I quickly hid behind one of the pillars as well as everyone else.

Soon we herd glass shattering and the grind shook as one of there Cons jumped into the building. I held my breath. Epps looked towards Eddie and nodded to the chairs.

He then nodded again and the chairs started to role down the floor and then Epps threw a flash bang. "Run! Cover fire!" He yelled and everyone started to run up the building and fire back at the con.

When we where getting close to the edge we all jumped out the window. We all landed on the glass and started to slide down. Only bad thing was there was no grip and the edge of the building was coming up fast.

Shoot the glass!" Epps yelled and started to shoot. I pulled out mu pistol and started to shoot the glass. We then all fell through and started to slide down the inside of the building.

I grabbed onto one of the loose cable that where hanging from the ceiling causing me to fling into the air and then slammed back down on to the ground from the momentum.

"Is everybody ok?" Epps yelled from where he was sitting at the edge of the building. "I'm fine!" I yelled back and saw Sam and Carly just above me.

"This eve this is looking at me!" Epps yelled as he looked down at what I'm guessing is on of the Con's.

Then where was a round groaning sound and explosions coming from down below. "It's even got an uglier Deceoticon with it!" Epps yelled and started to pull himself up. We all attempted to crawl up the slippery floor.

The building then started to shake again. I then looked out the window and saw that the worm thing started to dive in and out of the building. "Its getting closer!" I yelled.

The building then started to tip all the way. My back the slammed into one of the poles and I lent over to catch one of the guys who missing one. "I got you." I said as I started to pull him up as best as I could.

"That thing is getting closer. We have to move." I said as we all started to climb down onto the other building.

Soon something started to fire at it and all I could see was a red and blue blur. It then cut though the worm thing. "We have to get out of here and shoot down that building." I said and we all started to move inside down the building.

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