It's over

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Heres a long ass last chapter woooooo. It is finally finished!! I have started work on Age of Extinction but it could be next week or sometime before you see the next chapter cause I'm sorta uh writing a Peter Parker fan fic :3 If any of you are interested I guess go to my profile it shall be there soon. That and one of my lovely readers @Neko_Miku_Hatsune is gonna be giving me some ideas for what could happen in the next book :) Also like all the others I'll post another chapter saying that its up.

Anyway thank you guy for all the support. You guys are amazing 

P.S. Its a crap ending I know

"Are any of the camera's still working?" I asked and looked around. Out of the corner of my eye I saw one of them moving knowing that HQ watching us. "Witwicky, go and make sure your brother is ok." He said and walked away and down the stairs to the river side.

I walked over to where Sam and Carly where talking. "What are you planning?" I asked, knowing that look that is on Sam's face. "We herd that the Autobots have been captured. We have to go rescue them." Sam said and I sighed. 

"If Lennox yells at me, its your fault." I said and poked him in the chest. "Do you have any idea where they are behind held?" I said and Sam nodded his head.

Soon we got to one of the other bridges and saw the Deceptions had captured some of the bots. I followed Sam close behind and the three of us crawled into one of the over turned cars. As I was looking at who that had captured, I gasp when I saw Bee among them.

"We have to save them. They're gonna kill them if we don't do something." I said as I crawled back out and Sam followed me. "I though you where meant to to be the rational one?" Sam said as he grabbed my arm to stop me from running out their.

"Sam, they are in trouble. They can't do anything!" I said pointing to where they where on their knees. "Alright. Do you you have a plan?" Sam asked and smiled. Soon a loud noice cam from behind us. I looked to the building that the pillars where on and saw a beam of blue light shoot into the sky.

Soon A large planet appeared in the sky. "We need to hurry." I said and turned back to where the bots where and saw them dragging Que. My eyes winded when they shot him though the chest.

They then turned towards Bee and started to drag him over to where Que was laying. My eyes started to water. I was the only one with a gun and even then the bullets that I had loaded would sadly do nothing to them by just me firing at them.

I was Bee look the our direction and I couldn't take it any more. My gun fell out of my hand and fell to the ground. Tears started to run down my face. I then turned to Sam. "You where given two boom sticks. Do you have the other?" I managed to get out and wiped my eyes.

Sam then looked though his bag and pulled out the last one and tried to activate it but it just sparked and died. It must of gotten damaged some how.

I didn't know what else to do. I landed on my knees and looked over to where Bee was and he was looking in our direction. "We-we gave them a hell of a run." he said as one of the Con started to charge up his gun.

I wanted to look away but I couldn't. More tears started to run down my face. Soon there was a loud whistling noise and soon ships started to fall out of the sky. When the Con that was holding be was distracted, he finally turned around and started to attack him and the other cons around him. 

I was brought back out of my state and grabbed my gun off of the ground and stood up. I then grabbed Sam by the back of his shirt, along with Carly and dragged them away so we wouldn't get crushed.

Soon the large ship started to fall out of the sky and fell into the river. I cheered and started to shoot at the Cons. Bee stuck around me to make sure that I was safe. Soon all of the Con where down and I looked up to Bee. I gave him a smile and if he could he might be as well.

"We should get back to Lennox. We still need to take down those pillars." I said and Bee nodded his head and Transformed. Soon we where driving down the rouble cover screen and soon where where the Bots where fighting there rest of there Cons.

As we got out of the car more the of the planet started to appear in the sky. Soon we herd a sound of an engine and a red and blue streak flue past us and started to join in the fight and then took down Shockwave.

Optimus then turned to the building that the pillars where on and fired at one of them casing the beam to disappear.

Soon Sentinel Prim came down off the building and faced Optimus. I felt Sam tap my shoulder and he pointed over to where one of the pillars was lying on the ground. "We have to destroy that before they reactivate it." I said and we both started to make our way over leaving Carly behind cover.

No and then I walk stop and cover Sam when some of the ship and cons started to shoot at us. "Sam, I'll cover you. Go destroy that pillar." I said as I joined some of the team Will came with and started to fire back at the cons.

Not long after Sam ran off I herd a loud screech and turned to see that the pilled had activated again. 

Sam was then pushed onto the ground by Carly boss. "Come on Sam get up!" I yelled. He turned to me and then slowly started to get up and turn to Carly boss. I couldn't hear what they where saying over the gun fire, but Sam pushed him into the pillar and he fell to the ground, unmoving.

"The pillar is still connected!" I herd Leadfoot yell from behind me. Soon Bee ran past and crushed it. There was a beam of light that started to take all of the ships away and the planet started to disappear.

"Yes!" I yelled as everyone started to cheer. We all then started to walk over to where Optimus was last see fighting Sentinel. When we got there Optimus had one arm and both Megatron and Sentinel Prime where both on the ground dead.

It's over.

Its finally over.

"Sam." Lennox said and in the distance I we saw the rest of our team as well as Carly. Sam started to run to her and I smiled. I then turned to Bee with the same smile on my face.

He looked down at me and let out a few happy wheers. We walked over to them and Bee started to look though his chest plating and a bunch of gears started to fall out. I just laughed. "Your such a romantic." I said and he just shrugged his shoulders.

He then started to play 'here comes the bride'. I just laughed and hit his arm. "Sam's still young, Bee." I said and Bee just shrugged his shoulders. "I'm just trying to help." Was all he said which caused me, Sam and Carly to laugh.


Its been a couple of months since the battle of Chicago, which destroyed half of the City. Megatron was gone. All what our job was to do now was to take down the rest of the Con's that where in hiding.

I sat on Bee shoulder as we talk with the rest of the team about of last recon mission. Sam was here as well, mostly because he didn't want to be alone with out Carly who was out doing something.

"Whats going to happen once the last of the Cons are killed or sent off Earth?" Sam asked and I shrugged my shoulders. 

"I guess well do what ever the government wants us to do. I guess make sure that that nothing like this hap..." I was cut off when a loud booming voice called though out the hanger. I looked over to see a large group of men who where not NEST agents. 

Bee put me onto the ground and then stood up. The man then turned towards his men and nodded his head. That was when everything  started to turn to chaos. "Sam!" I yelled and dragged him behind cover. 

I herd loud gun fire behind us and the Bots that where in the hanger started to yell at everyone to find cover or to run.

I felt large a large hand grab me and both me and Sam found ourselves sitting in the familiar leather seat of a Camaro. Soon where where driving down the road away from where NEST was. "What's happening?" I asked. 

What Bee said next chilled me to the bone.

"The Autobots are-being hunted-by the Government."

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