Awkward family talk

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Look who's not dead! I'm sorry this has taken me forever to get out. Iv been busy writing essays bleh. Anyway we're half way through the movie now wooo.

As we ran down the platform Sam pulled on my arm so I would slow down. I turned back to him and stopped. "What is it?" I asked and Sam tryed to catch his breath.

"We have to go and see if Carly is ok." He said and I frowned at him.

"Why?" I asked and he looked at me with pleading eyes.

"I need to know if she's ok." He said and I sighed. "Alright.  We'll go and find Carly."

Sam looked at me confused. "We? I thoughted you hated Carly."

I sighed and started to walk to where Lennox ran off to. "I do. I'm going so you don't end up doing something stupid again." Soon I found Lennox and he allowed me and Sam to leave.

I couln't find Bee any where which made me worry but Sam didn't allow to stay long as he started to run out of the base and down the road to where he and Carly shaired their apartment.

After a long run we finally made it to find that Carly wasn't even their. He then ran out again and over to a caravan that I only just relized was their. Sam then started to push a dog out of the way and walk inside.

"Mum, Dad, have you guys seen Carly come home yet?" Sam asked and my eyes widened.

"Why are mum and dad here?" I whipered as I grabbed Sam's arm and pulled him down.

"Excuse me. Can you knock, please? This is our bedroom." I herd mum say and then she then looked over and saw top of my head.

My eyes widened and I tried to get out the caravan before she could fully recognize that it was me. "(Y/N)! I didn't know you where free from...what ever you do now."

I mentilly groned and then walked back up the steps and smiled. "Hi mum. Dad." I said with a forced smile.

"Back on topic. Have you seen Carly?" Sam asked again and and all attention was drawn away from me. "Why wouldnt she be at home?" Dad asked and Sam sighed.

"We had a fight and- we m- might have broken up, or be on a break. I don't really know." Sam said and Mum started to freak out. "Oh god." I mumbled and stareted to sneak out again.

"You two sit down. We're having a family meating." She said and dragged me back in and pushed me down onto the seat opposite from where she was sitting before.

"Do I have to be here? I mean this is about Sam, not me." I said and mum put her hand on her hips. "Family meating is for everyone. Also I want to have a talk with you about daiting an alien robot." she said. "Alright I'm leaving!" I said standing up but I was pushed back down.

"You're not leaving untill we're done talking, (Y/N)." She said and then started to ramble.

"Mum can you just stop." Sam said but she caryed on talking.

"Mum, just leave poor Sam alone." I said but she compleatly ignored me and carried on talking. "Why don't you help me?" Sam said looking towared's Dad.

Even though Dad tried to stop her she still kept talking. "You're not gonna get a third one, I mean, unless you have like a, big-" She said started to trail off.

"Ok, to much info! I'm out. I'm leaving." I said and started to get up but was grabbed by the back of my collar and pulled back down. "You're not leaving me." Sam growled at me.

Mum then walked over to where a small stack of books sat and walked back over to us and said "You need this book."

I looked at the cover and I chocked on my own spit. "Oh would you look at that. Will is calling me." I said as I pulled out my phone and stared to walk away but once again I was pulled back down.

"Sit down! Sit down!" Mum yelled at the three of us and I sighed.

"All I'm saying is, do you love this girl?" Mum asked as he looked at Sam.

I turned to look at him and saw he went all serious. "She's the one."

"Then you gotta go get her. I mean, you dad and I, when we had troubles, he moved heaven and earth to find me" she said with a huge smile.

I looked at mum and dad and smiled.

"Look at...say what you said." Mum and as she nudged dad.

Dad then looked at the ground and smiled. "I will follow you to the end of time. Does that suck or what?" Dad said and I smiled.

"That's amazing." I said and dad lightly kicked me.

Sam then jumped up and looked at our parents. "I want you to get out of the city. You guys gat as far away from here as you can. You understand?" He said and I stood up and sighed.

"He's right. Even though your hard on us, we don't want you to get hurt." I said and walked over to them and gave them a hug.

"Stay safe ok? Love you." I said and walked out of the van.

I saw Sam open the door to the shed and saw his crappy yellow and black car.

As we where driving along a beam of light shot up into the air. "Oh shit. It looks like it's starting." I said as I looked out the window. "We should hurry and find that girl of yours."


Sam then pulled up a really dance place and stopped. "I want you to stay here. Im gonna go get Carly." He said and ran off. I sighed and got out and sat on the hood of his crappy car.

Soon I was Sam walk out with Carly behind him and got into one of the fancy cars. "That asshole." I mumble and was about to drive after them when I saw it transform and throw Sam and Carly out.

"Oh no." I said and slid down in my seat so no one could see me but so I could still see was was going on.

Sam tried to tackle Carly's boss but was held back by a group of guards. Soon he was let go and a taxi came and picked him up.

I started up the crappy Bee look a like and started to follow them back. I pulled over walked over to where Sam was.

A group of men who I recognized as people from and around the base walked over to us and asked us to get into the car.

Soon we found ourselves back at NEST HQ and Mearing like always did not look happy at all.

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