They're leaving us?

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I did not mean to make this chapter to depressing omg. But eyyyyy I'm officially on brake for two weeks, so hopefully you gonna see a lot more chapters over the next to weeks :D Anyway here's what everyone's been waiting for. Also I may have left this on a cliff-hanger...oops

I looked over to Sam and sighed. We walked over to where Mearing was standing. "I have underestimated you at every turn." Mearing said as she looked between the both of us.

'I think all of this stress has gone to her head." I thought as I raised my eye brow at her.

"You both warned us that they were using humans, and you know that Sentinel was the key." She said as she looked between the two of us. She was then handed a folder and started to looked though the files.

"That's uh nice of you director." I said and turned to look at my brother as he started to act weird. "Sam, are you alright?" I asked as he jerked his hand to the computer screen.

"Huh? Oh yeah. I'm fine." He said and then rolled across the table. I looked at him weirdly and walked around them like a normal person.

"Are you really ok?" I asked as it looked like he was in pain. "Yes." He finally forced out and then it looked like he was fine again.

There is something that happened to him when he was caught by that guy at the party. I looked down at his wrist and saw a watch that wasn't their before and it looked expensive. I looked away from the watch as Sam started to act weird again.

My phone buzzed in my pocket. I pulled it out and saw it was Lennox who was calling me.

"Sir?" I said as I picked up my phone.

"Witwicky, You're not going to like the news that I have for you." Will's voice came though the other end of the call.

"What's the news then?" I asked sounding a bit worried. I walked away from where Sam and Mearing stood talking.

"The Autobot's are being taken off Earth. The government don't want them here anymore. They say they will cause more trouble then help." Will continued. My heart stopped for a second as I looked over to where the conference was happing on tv. 

From what Will was telling me it was true. My sadness then turned to anger. I gripped my phone to the point that if I held it any tighter it would possibly brake.

"You're telling me that they chose to send our last defence agenised the Decepticons off Earth. Who's goning to protects us now?" I yelled into my phone.

"I'm sorry (y/n). We have no choice." Will said.

At this point I had tears running down my face. I didn't say anything so instead I hung up on him. I put my phone back into my pocket and walk onto the plane.

For the whole trip I said nothing while Mearing explained everything to Sam.

After we landed everyone got in the trucks and drove to one of the landing pads at NASA.

As the Wreckers like usual where yelling at everyone, I looked at one of the guys following the crawler-transporter and I jogged over to him. "Epps?" I asked and he turned around.

"Witwicky, I have not seen you since I left." He said and pulled me into a hug.

"So this is what you've been doing ." I said as we walked behind the transporter. "Yeah, it's nice to not have any aliens shooting at my ass. You serving along side Will?" He asked and laughed.

"Yeah. Still fighting side by side. It's not the same without you dude." I said as I continued to walk while looking down at the ground.

After walking in silence for a while Epps finally spoke up. "Kicking the autobot's out. Can you believe this is happening?"

"I know. Their here to protect us. Who's going to do that once their gone?" I said looking down at the ground again.

"Witwicky!" I herd my last name being called. I turned to see Mearing looking over at me and I sighed. "I better get going. I hope to see you again Epps. We need to catch up." I said as I waved him goodbye and walked behind Sam and Mearing and into the hanger.

"I wanna talk to whoever's in charge here!" I herd and familiar voice yell and I sighed. "I'm leaving. The rest of the Autobot's are gonna be here soon so I'm gonna go say bye to Bee." I whispered to Sam and walked away.


Soon the Autobots started to show up. Sam walked over to Optimus and I walked over to Bee who was with the others cheeking the ship. 

Bee turned around and looked down at me. He let out a few sad wheers. He knelt down and looked at me with his sad blue optics.

"We don't have a choice." He said though his radio as he held out his hand for me to get on. I stepped onto his hand and he lifted me up to his face. I felt my eyes start to water. I said nothing as I let in and hugged his face plates as best as I could. "I don't want you to leave." I said and I hugged him tighter.

A sad whine came from him. "One day well see each other again." He said taking a sentence from a movie.

"You better come back to me. Or I will personally hunt you down." I said and pulled away from his face with a sad smile.

I turned to see where everyone was standing. I turned back around to Bee and gave him a kiss on his plating. "You better come back." I whispered and he set me down on the ground.

I slowly walked over to everyone while whipping away my tears. Sam didn't look much better then I did. I walked over to him and gave him a hug, which he also returned. I felt a wet patch on slowly grow on my shoulder as Sam started to cry.

My eyes started to water again but I tried to stay strong. I herd a motor come  over to us. I looked up to see Simmons. 

"Years from now. They're gonna ask us. Where ere you when they took over the planet? We're gonna say, 'we just stood by and watched.'"


Me and Sam soon found a secluded pace where we can clearly watch the launch happen as we couldn't stand to be around anyone at the moment. Soon the rocket was in the air and would soon be out of site and in the vast nothingness of space.

Not long after the rocket had launched Sam's phone started to go off. He looked down at me and jumped down from where he was sitting. He then answered his phone and put it onto speaker.

"You wanted an answer. You got one." He said and the guy on the other end answered back.

"I always get what I want, Sam. We just needed to be sure." I looked to same and mouthed 'Is it that prick who's working for the Decpticons?' and Sam slightly nodded his head.

"Sure of what?" Sam answed back sounding confused.

There was a short pause before he replied.

"That they would go without a fight."

Not long after he said that there was a loud boom.

I turned around and looked up at the sky so see the rocket that the Autobots where in had exploded.

Sirens around us started to go off but nothing mattered. Our last peace of hope had just exploded.

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