It's a Witwicky thing

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Yo early update! I actually wrote this last night (The reason I'm writing a lot at the moment is because I don't have much school work and I just want to get stuff out before I die in a pile of assessments)  Anyway I'm actually in the middle of write the next chapter as well to that could be up sometime tomorrow. Also this scene is actually a lot different then what it is in the movie....sort of

We called ran down the stairs of the partially destroyed building and then out into the ally way. Paper from the building where where just in fell from the sky and littering the ground around us.

As we ran down the ally the building with the pillars came into view. "We have to hurry." I said and we all started to run. As we where something started to fire at us. I shoved Sam and Carly in front of me to get them out of the rain of bullets. I then looked behind and me a swore.

Our make shift team must of ran into one of the building to get cover. I walked in front of them to make sure that the way was clear before we carried on. I stopped at the corner of the bus. I was about to leave cover when I herd the familiar sound of a jet engine and then metal shifting against metal.

I turned around to see Starscream land behind the bus that we where hiding behind. "Move!" I yelled and pushed Sam and Carly away from the bus and he flipped it over. I quickly dragged both of them under cover and looked out see see where he was. "He just loves to show up and toy with us." I mumbled and pulled out the magazine from my gun to see how many bullets I had left.

I sighed seeing as out was still full. I then pulled out the grapple glove and gave it to Sam. "Take this and get both you and Carly to cover. I'll take care of Starscream." I said. Sam was about to open his mouth to object she I shoved him out of the way. "Just go!" I yelled. I followed them out of cover and turned to where Screamer was standing.

"Hey!" I yelled and Screamer turned around to me. "So you're still looking after your brother. To bad it won't be for long." He said and and started to come close to me. I grabbed my gun and pointed at him but something from behind me and attacked to his optic.

He screamed in pain and something that was attached to the end of the grappling hook flew passed me and knocked me to the side. A loud scream soon followed and I looked up to see that the thing that flew passed me with Sam. 

"Sam!" I yelled. I tried to get a clear shot but Screamer was moving around to much which caused Sam to swing every where. Concrete started fly every where as Starscream tried to get Sam off his eye.

When I was about to run over to where Sam was being dragged across the ground, something landed with a thud and I saw it was Sam back pack. I opened it and saw that the boom sticks where in their. 

I pulled one and looked back up to Sam. "Sam, catch!" I yelled and threw it at him. He caught it and then when he was flung into the air again he landed on Screamers head and jammed the boom stick into his other eye.

I would of celebrated but then I realised that Sam was still attacked to him. I grabbed my knife and ran over to where Sam was and grabbed onto the cable. We both started to get dragged a cross the ground and then we where flung into the air. 

We both let out a scream as I managed to cut the cable but since Screamer climbed onto the building we had a longer drop which will most likely kill us. When I though we where going to hit the ground, something grabbed up and I found myself lying on top of the hood of a certain yellow car.

The body on the now dead Starscream landed in front of us with a loud clang. I managed to catch my breath and looked behind me smiled. "Just in time." I said and patted his hood.

I groan as I slid off his hood and landed back on the ground. I then looked over to Sam and glared at him. "Don't ever do that again."

I then herd foot steps coming towards us and I turned around to see Lennox and his team jogging towers us. "Its always you two in the middle of everything." Lennox said we started to walk. 

"I'm just gonna talk to Bee before we head out and come up with a plan." I said and Will nodded and told everyone to head out.

I walked back over to Bee and opened the door and sat in the passenger seat. "Thanks Bee. What would I do without you?" I asked and the radio came to life.

"In trouble." was what came though his radio and I laughed. "Yeah, I would be." I then let out a sigh and looked to where everyone was walked up ahead. "Hopefully once we stop Sentinel nothing else happens. I just want a brake for once. But before that happens we have to take down those pillars." I said and Bee let out a beep of agreement.

"You should go and tell the other bots of out plan." I said and got out closing the door softly and then patting his hood and smiled. "I'll see you soon." I said and ran off the catch up with Will and Sam.

Bee sped passed us and out onto the main road. "Bee is going to tell the other bots to meet us at the edge of the river." I said as I slung up gun over my shoulder. We then started our way to the river.

Soon we where at the edge of the river. We climbed up the stairs and stopped. "You see that? She said the controls pillar was in that first cupola." Sam said pointing to the building that was sparking.

We all then started to make our way to the bridge but it was raised. Epps?" I herd Will say and looked over to see Epps and our make shift team walk over to us. Will pulled Epps in to a hug and then Epps turned to me. 

"Why is it when we're with you and your brother, bad stuff happens?" he said and I laughed. "I guess its a Witwicky thing." I said with a small smile and Epps brought me into a hug as well.

"I guess now we need to wait for them to lower the bridge now." I said as we waited for command to hack into the system.

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