Why him!?

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Early update! Since it's officially 2017 here in the Country that doesn't exist I felt like uploading this chapter early. Any way Happy New Year guys, hopefully 2017 is better then 2016 *shivers* lets agree never talk about that year....except when it's about movies. So another boring chapter but it has some brother sister bonding as well as some (y/n) and Bee bonding

I nodded to Mearing's assistant one we walked into her office. "'Total nightmare file'" Mearing said when she looked up from the box on her desk.

I turn around to Sam and Carly and let them though so they can sit down. I stood just behind them.

"So, the investigation is open. We've sent agents to your office. And for the time being we're gonna send you home with Autobot protection and your sister." She said looking from Sam then up to me.

I sighed and crossed my arms over my chest.

"Uh, who do I...who do I need to sleek to to got you to understand that I can help, that I can contribute. I'm just as useful as (y/n)." He said as he turned around to look at me.

I herd muttering and saw Brains climb on to Mearing's desk. "Get off my desk, please." She said and pulled out her gun.

He started muttering again then jumped off. I shook my head and sighed. And continue to listen to their conversation.

"What do you envision for me? I go home now? I go back to work? I make copies? I mean..." he was then cut off when Mearing lent forward and started to speak.

"This is a unit for veteran intelligence officers and Special Forces, not for boys who once owned special cars." She said and I rolled my eyes. 'Harsh like always.' I though.

I zoned out for a bit then I saw Sam and Carly stand up. "Come on, lets go. You've done what you came for." She said and started to drag Sam passed me.

"With all due respect, young man, I appreciate what you and your sister did." Mearing said and Sam turned to look at her.

"But your not a soldier like your sister. You're a messenger. You've always been a messenger." She finished.

I turned to look at her. "He's done more then you have." I said and turned around and walked out. 'Oh I'm so gonna regret saying that.' I though as Sam and Carly followed me close behind.

We walked back to into the hanger and I sighed. Sam caught up with me, matching my pace.

"Thanks for that (y/n), but won't you get in trouble for talking back to your superior?" He asked and I shrugged.

"Most likely, but you deserve more recognition." I said as I bumped my shoulder with him. He smiled as we continued to walk over to where Bee was waiting.


Soon we pulled up to a rundown looking place and I raised my eyebrow and looked at Sam.

"You live here?" I asked as I turned to look at him. He sighed and nodded his head.

We all got out and Sam said "Bee you take the freight elevator." He let out a series of beeps and drove off. Sam opened up the door and walked up the stairs and unlocked the door to the apartment.

We all walked and went off to do our own thing. The elevator dinged and Bee drove out and Transformed.

"Hey there." I said with a smile and he let out a few happy whers. He walked over to a corner of Sam apartment and sat down.

I walked over and sat next to his leg and lent on it. "Well it looks like we sort of have the team back together." I mumbled and Bee patted my head. I smiled and looked up at him. "Hopefully all what we have to do is make sure nothing happens to Sam. Can't be to hard right?" I said and he shrugged his shoulders.

"Hey." I looked away from Bee to see Sam walk towards us. "Hey." I said back with a small smile.

Sam sat on the edge of the couch that was close by and looked between the two of us and sighed. "I'm sorry (y/n), for ignoring you. I just..." he said trailing off at the end.

I got up off the floor and walked over to him and pulled him into a hug. "You should know by now that you will always find away to get mixed up in this." I said and pulled away.

"Ever since you had our grandfathers glasses both of us have been involved. You're not in this alone. You have me and Bee, as well as all the Autobots." I said and Sam smiled and walked over to the fridge to get out the jug of milk.

"It's just that, your director called me a messenger. That iv always been one. Has she not seen what iv done? Can you believe that." He said and sat back in his spot. I sighed and sat down next to Bee's leg and lent my head on the warm metal.

Bee let out a few sad wheers. "Oh, I believe it." I herd Wheelie say as he rolled in from the outside. "I tell you, Sammy, we fell the same way. The disrespect on this rock is criminal." He said. I have to agree on the little ex-con on that.

"We should do something about it." Sam said, standing up and looking between the me and Bee.

I nodded my head and Bee let out wheers of agreement.

Sam stopped in passing and stood in front of us. "Bee, I need to know why they're killing humans. I say we call in the expert." He finished.

"Oh please don't tell me it's who I think it is." I said as I hit my head on Bee's plating.

Sam ignored me and walked away to grabbed his phone. "Oh god it is." I whined and then looked up to where Sam was and shouted "Why!"

Bee let out a laugh and I looked up and him and groaned. "Can't you at lest call him tomorrow then!" I yelled again and a 'fine' was shot back.

I got up off the floor and stretched causing my back to click. "Well I'm going to sleep. It been a long day. Night Bee." I said and kissed him on his cheek plate and smiled when he let out a series of happy beeps and whistles. I smiled and fell on to the couch and fell asleep.


The next morning we sat in front of the tv watching Fox News which had an interview of Simmons playing live. "Why." Was all I said as I watched Simmons basically have a melt down.

Sam picked up his phone again and dialed his number, again. Sam was about to hang up again when he jolted and put his phone on speaker.

"I called you because the Decepticons are back. I want to know why, and I need your help." Sam said and I groaned.

"They're back? Well, that's good for business." He said and I sighed. "Simmons come on really." I said and he laughed.

"Thought you weren't on speaking terms with your brother." He said and I glared at Sam's phone. "Can we get back on track." I said and looked to Sam.

"We might have a 50 year old alien secret that nobody ever told you." Sam said.

There was a pause on the other end of the line and then Simmons started to speak again.

"Do not tempt...my addiction. I have gone through withdrawal, kid." He said then started to talk to someone else, asking about if the line was secure.

I looked up to Sam and shrugged. "What kind of....secret?" Simmons finally said and Sam smirked.

"Apollo, moon landings, aliens, cover ups. You know that stuff your obsessed with." I said and he whispered something then said "Where should I meet you?"

"Meet us at Sam's apartment." I said and gave him the address then the line went dead.

"Well looks like we have to deal with Mr crazy again." I said and fell back on the couch, groaning.

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