Saving Carly

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Oh what's this? Dust updated again not long after she just posted the last chapter. Is the world about to explode? Na I just felt like being nice to you guys :3

Sam walked over to the ship that Optimus brought now and climbed on top of it.

"So, you can fly this thing, right?" Sam asked looking up at Bee, causing him to shrug his shoulders and without talking do that 'sort of' sign.

I snorted as Sam started to ramble. "Come on Sam. He's probably hasn't even been close to one of these." I said as I looked up at him. "So just take that as a yes." I finished and Sam sighed.

I jumped down off the part of the ship I was standing and walked over to Epps. "You be careful out there Witwicky." He then looked over to Sam and pulled out his pistol. "Both of you."

Sam took the gun and Epps looked between the both of us. "We're right behind you." He said and I smiled a little. "Just like old time." I said and he smiled as well.

"All right, we're going in." He said as me and climbed into the ship with Bee.

Soon as we where in the roof closed over us and Bee started the engines and soon she where in the air. But as Bee has never flown one of these before he sort of hit what used to be a building.

I grabbed on to his shoulder to keep me from falling over while Bee let out a noice that sounded like 'sorry'.

"That's the building there." Sam said as he pointed to the tall glass building. The roof opened and Sam jumped out and ran up to the balcony. "That idiot better not get himself killed." I mumble. Bee then lowered the ship out of sight and started to 'patrol' the city, while keeping a near the building.

Not long after Sam went into the building a winged Con dragged Sam over the balcony and off the side of the building. "Bee!" I shouted.

Sam landed with a loud thump on the ship and I got out to make sure he was ok. "Bee take us up." I said and slowly we started to rise back up to the part where Sam was thrown off.

"Carly!" Sam started to yell. As we came into view we saw all of their shocked faces as we knelt on the edge of the ship.

I saw Carly get out of the guy who was holding her's grip and ran in the direction of us and then jumped to Sam.

I herd the guns heat up and I smirked. "You messed with the wrong people." I said and Bee opened fire.

That bird then flew at Sam and started to attack him. I think grabbed my gun but I couldn't get a clear shot. Soon the ship started to go down and I grabbed on to some cables to stop myself from falling off.

The ground started to come up to close for my liking so I climbed back inside with Bee and Carly.

Soon we crash landed and I jumped out to see if Sam was alright.

I waved some of the smoke away and saw that he was fine. I looked back to Bee and gave him a thumbs up. "Nice landing."

Bee waves his hand at me and let out a few wheers and I laughed.

We then all got out and waited for the rest of the Autobots to arrive. Soon they all rounded the corner and our makeshift team got out as well.

"You two are crazy!" Epps said as he jogged over to us and pull both me and Sam into a hug. "When did that change?" I mumble into his shoulder.

He pulled away and Sam pointed over a fallen drone. It must of got hit then at bird flew at Sam.

"This thing's a military UAV." Epps said as he walked over to it. "Stone, check and see if it's still working?"

Stone knelt down and cheeked. "Yeah, it's still got power." He said and Epps looked into the camera.

"Flight control, do you copy? Can, can you rotate? Can you do something?" Epps said waiting for it to start moving.

I knelt down next to him and waited. "This thing better be still sending a signal." I said as I cleared off some stuff off the screen.

After waiting the drone started to move. "Yes!" Both me and Epps shouted but then calmed down and we started to explain the situation.

"Chicago is ground zero, do you understand? Can you here us? You understand?" Sam said and the drone moved up and down in a way to say yes.

Carly lent over my shoulder and I glared at her. "Please listen. Sentinel Prime is here and he has the pillars to his Space Bridge. They're on top of a building on Chicago river. It's owned by Hotchkiss Gould Investments. Now, the pillar that controls everything is in the southeast cupola." She finished.

"You've got to destroy the pillar. You have to shoot down the pillar or they're going to transport Cyberton here." Sam said explaining what exactly is at stake.

"I think that's the best we can do for now. Hopefully they got the full message." I said as I stood back up.

"We need to move before the fighter spot us." Optimus said as he looked down to us and up at the sky.

"We'll scout a rote ahead. Let's roll." He said as all the bots went to wind a safe route for us.

I walked over to where a team was and started to grab more ammo for my gun and cheek if it's still working properly.

"Hey, think we could use that rocket to shoot down that pillar?" Sam said as he walked over to us.

Epps pulled out the map and looked around to see where we are. "We eight blocks away. We got to get closer to take the shot."

Hooch then turned around and looked at Epps. "Not closer. Higher. We need a clear line of sight." He said as he pointed across at the tallest building that was still standing.

I looked up at Epps and said "Which means we have to get over the river but it's probably being patrolled. We're gonna have fun getting across." I said as I stood up and held my gun at my side.

"We only got one shot." Mongo said holding up the only rocket.

"One shot's all we need." Sam said and everyone started to get everything ready.

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