6) Me too

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Chapter 6 - Me too
When the film ended Stacey got her things and headed home leaving me all line with my thoughts.  I thought about Dain. He was kind and thoughtful all the time, I kinda like him, I think. But then some questions hit me.
What if Stacey liked him? And what if he doesn't like me? What if he likes Stacey?
But then I remembered that Stacey liked Mike, another boy in our school.
Ok.  One question is answered. Now about the two others. I had no idea.
I went to bed and thought a little bit more about Dain.
Even if he didn't like me or Stacey. He was still my friend. Not one I've known since I was 4, but still a close friend. So it would be nice of me to tell him. I went to sleep impatient to find out whether Dain would react like Jace or not.

In the morning I woke up with a little headache so of course I was late and because me and Stacey are always waiting for each other, so was she.  During the first class all that I've done was to be angry with myself because I missed the chance to tell Dain before class. Now I had to wait till lunch.
When the class ended, I was left with only 4 more hours till lunch, not so much.  Me and Dain talked about usual things, after the thirst class Stacey joined us for History and Music. The only problem was that with every hour that passed my headache was not reducing in intensity but increasing. By lunch I could barely talk, walk or see. I couldn't even go get my lunch, Stacey had to do it for me. We went outside to eat. Surprisingly we were alone. After Dain joined us I ate a little but didn't help much with my pain. I didn't feel like being able to go to the next classes so if I wanted to tell Dain this was the time.
"Oh gosh. I have a terrible, terrible headache" I told both of them.
"Oh Em. I'm so sorry. Did you take an Advil. Here take one. " she said pulling a tablet front her bag.
"Always prepared S. But I can't take it. I already took 2 and they didn't help. Look guys I'll go home and lay in bed. I can't stay. But I have to tell Dain something."
"Yeah sure. What is it?" Dain asked.
"Do you want me to leave Em?"Stacey asked.
"No Ember you can stay. You already know what it is. "
"Oh that. "
"Ember. What is it?" Dain said taking a bite from his sandwich.
"Well... I think I'm a fairy" I said scared by his possible response.
"Me too." He said laughed and continued to eat.
That's not what I expected.
"Ok. Look Dain. I know that it seems like I'm making fun of you. But I'm serious. I really am
A fairy. I'm not joking. Dain." I waved at him but he didn't seem to care.
"Em just showed him and I'll drive you home afterwards. He clearly doesn't believe you."
She was clearly right about the last thing. Dain kept eating like nothing happened.
"What's wrong with you? I told you I'm a fairy and you just stay there like that. Fine you don't believe me, I'll just show you" I was already really pissed so I was floating and sparkling again obviously but at least my head didn't ache so much now.
I touched the circle on my bracelet and my wings started to appear. So I look at Dain expecting to see him amazed, scared or anything. But no, he looked like there was nothing special nothing strange.
"They're very beautiful Ember. I'm proud of you. So can you fly?" Dain asked with a plain voice.
"Actually she can fly. She can also heal and.."Stacey started to say with enthusiasm when I cut her off.
"How do you know that I can fly or not? And why aren't you questioning the fact that I have wings."I really thought it was suspicious.
"Let me guess. Now that they are visible, your headache is gone. " he said bored.
"Yes. How do you know that. I don't get it."
"I'm not who you think I am. "
"Yeah. You are right you're a freak. " I was annoyed already.
"No Ember. I'm a fairy. I really am, just like you are."
"Ohhh!" Me and Stacey gasped at the same time.
"You are like her? But you don't have wings!"my friend said.
"Ohh. Actually I have. But I know how to hide them unlike her. I'll show them to you. "
Out of nowhere a pair of wings appeared on his back. They had the form of a leaf or of dragonfly wings but bigger. They were smaller than mine and colored in different kinds of green. Along with the wings, a green tattoo appeared on his arm and his hair turned grass color. Even though he still had strands of black hair.
"Wow Dain your hair."
"Yes I know. It was a surprise to everyone that I turned out to be a protector."
"A what?"
"Look Ember. You are not front his world, neither am I, or Stacey. I'll explain more about it somewhere people won't come. "
"I want to be part of the discussion. But you're wrong about one thing. I'm from this world. Unlike you two freaks. " Stacey said.
"Whatever you say Stacey. "Dain laughed.
"You'd better hide your wings cause there's someone coming."
I quickly touched my button and my wings disappeared. Dain just looked amused at us.
"Dain they'll see your wings." I said.
"No they won't. I hid them from human eyes."
"You didn't stupid. I can see them. " Stacey said.
"Just close them please."I said.
"Ok but we're not going back to class. "Dain ordered
"Actual we are. We'll talk about wings after school at my house. "
"Oh come on Em. Just this time we can skip school."Stacey pleaded.
"No Stacey. They'll call my parents. Come on. We only have two more classes. You two won't die. "
"Fine. "Stacry said.
"Ok but we're flying to your house. "
"Ok you can do that. I'm going with Stacey."
"Fine but just today. You have to start training. As soon as possible. " Dain pointed out.
"For what?!" I panicked.
"I'd tell you but I can't. You wanted to go to class "
"Ok. You'll tell me them at home. "
"Fine "Dain said.
"Fine. " I snapped at him.
"Fiiiiiiiine" Stacey sang. We all laughed at this.
"Seriously guys. Stop it now. If you dragged me to class. Then at least let's pay attention. "
End of Chapter 6

Hi guys! I'm sorry for not updating.
Also I'll try to add some music, photos and videos to the story so I don't know if I'll update more than 1 chapter this week.
If have ideas or questions just tell me.
Also sorry again for the spelling ☺️.

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