4) The new boy

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Chapter 4 - The new boy

So me and Stacey left for school on Monday morning. Everything seemed to be perfect as we planned to get there earlier so I could hide in my first class. We got to our lockers and while I was looking for my books someone jumped from behind my locker door. It was Jace.
"Hey! How are you? You haven't returned my calls. I was worried for you. "
"Oh. Sorry. Me and Stacey spent the weekend together. "
"Ok. But still you could have told me so I would not worry. So what did you do?"
"Mostly nothing. " I was feeling bad for lying to him and I knew he didn't believe me.
But I was saved by a person I didn't know. From around the corner came a boy. Black hair, long enough for it to be put in a small ponytail. He's eyes were a dark-brown and I felt like he was staring into my soul so I couldn't take my eyes off him. He was not very tall but definitely taller then me. He was heading towards us.
"You know who he is?" I asked Jace.
"No.  But why do you care?"
"He seems lost. " I said as he got to us.
"Hey. I'm Dain. I'm new here. "
"Whatever dude." Jace told him. He got to me and whispered into my ear. "I'll see you at lunch.  And you'd better tell me the truth. Also I have a bad feeling about this nerd." And then he left me with Dain.
"Hey.  I'm Ember. Excuse my rude boyfriend." I told him smiling while looking at him. He looked perfect with his wavy hair. A strand of hair fell on his face. I felt the need to put it back behind his ear so I tried to not move my hand towards him.
"No problem. But I want to ask you something. Would you mind showing me my first period?"
"Oh.  Yeah. No problem. Just show me your schedule. "
"Her it is."  He gave me the paper and I looked briefly through it.  It seemed like we had exactly the same classes on Monday. 
"Well it seems like you'll be stuck with me every Monday."
"Oh that's cool. Yeh can you tell me something about dance class? I mean if you also joined it."
"Ohh. Actually I did."
"So do you need a partner?"
"Yeah but we'll be chosen randomly by the teacher. When do you have the class. Let me see." He gave me the paper that I just handed him and I looked to the hole scheduled. I couldn't believe it.  He had the exact same classes as me.  In the same order.  And also the same optional courses, at the same hour, with the same teachers.
"Are you sure this is your schedule?"
"Yep. Why?"
"We have exactly the same schedule."
"At least I'll know a person in each class." He said outing an incredibly sweet smile on this face. "So are we going to the first period?"
"Yeah. Sure." I said while I got on my way to class. Jace will be mad. Really mad. Me and him we only had two class together and he was planning on changing one of them.
As we reached the door and entered the class Dain spoke. "So can I stay with you or is this someone's chair?"
"Actually my desk partner moved to another schools a week ago so it's empty. "
"Great. Thanks Ember." He said and then sat down next to me.
I pulled the hood on to cover my purple strides.
"Oh by the way. I love your purple strides. You should be really proud that your color is purple.  Is that also your favorite color?"
"Mmmmmm. Yes that's the color but I can't say I'm proud of the hair. Why would I be?"
"Well I'd be proud if I was you."
"Thanks anyway. "
The class started and everything was good till lunch. Dain didn't mention my hair again but followed me in every class. There was definitely something strange about him but I couldn't tell what.
At lunch I went to the usual table where Stacey was waiting for me. I introduced her to Dain.
"So girls, do you mind if I stay and take lunch with you?"
Me and S looked at each other and decided it would be ok.
"Yeah no problem" I said. 
We keep making small talks until Jace came.
Everything seemed good until he saw Dain.

End of Chapter 4

Hey guys. Sorry for not updating. I don't know how often I'll update but I promise I'll try to make it at least 1 time a week.
Also, promise I leave my stories unfinished as I know how it feels.
So I'd love if you would

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