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Mike and Zoey from Total Drama Revenge of the Island and All Stars

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Mike and Zoey from Total Drama Revenge of the Island and All Stars

I need to do more Total Drama ratings. 


I think it a little bit one sided but in a good way. I do like Mike but just not as much as I did before. But I'll save that for another day, I've gotta stay focused on this couple. They were both a part of the same team in All Stars and Revenge of the Island. They also are goodie-goodies, Mike gave Zoey a necklace that always reminds her that he's around. Mike and Zoey love each other very much, no matter what happens with what happens with Mike. But I think that Mike didn't actually get rid of his other personalities permanently, it was just a limited sort of thing.

That's my thoughts on Zoke, seeya. 

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