Holding Out For a Hero

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  • Dedicated to Harry Styles

I sat in class biting the end of my pen and looked blankly at the stalky, middle aged professor talking about something we already went through a million times.  He was getting up there in age, so I can't blame him, elderly people tend to forget things easily.  Poppy, who was a real witch, answered  a question with an obvious answer that a two year old could figure out.  Even her voice made me want to puke up my breakfast. It was like nails on a chalkboard.  I rolled my eyes and finally god had answered my prayers and the bell rang.

"Don't forget about the quiz on Monday!" Mr. Lerwick announced louder than he needed to. I cringed at the thought of a test. Soon I would be teaching at Paddington Academy as a drama teacher and I was amazed about how far I'd come in the past four years.  I put my laptop, which I was taking notes on, in my back pack and went into the hallway that was filled with rowdy students exited for the weekend.  While they were being excited for partys, alchohol and sex, I had my mind set on studying, sleeping, and working. Not the funnest way to spend it but it will be worth it in the end.  My mind was set on getting my teaching degree and I wasn't going let anything get in the way of that.

As I walked in the door of my two bedroom flat, Mollie, my Corgi puppy I had recently rescued from a shelter, ran to me showering me with sloppy kisses. "Hey, girl!" I smiled and bent down to pet her soft, golden fur. I sat on my leather couch and pulled out my computer from my monsterous book bag. I opened up a folder with notes and started to study, figuring Harper would be bringing Avery home soon. I smiled and knew how excited she'd be when she got home, because I promised her we'd go to the park when she got home. Harper was my friend that I first met in England and stuck by me after I had broke up with Avery's father. Avery was my beautiful little four year old, who acted like she was far older.  She had big green eyes that shined like stars and long blonde hair with natural ringlets that she inherited from her father. I was thinking about her father, and how much I missed him, when I heard a weak knock at the from door. I opened the door and Avery stck on to my leg, hugging it and not leaving like  she was a leach. I smiled down at her and picked her up giving her a peck on the cheek. I invited Harper in, but she declined. "I have a date tonight I have to go get ready." She said rushing her words out like they were hot potatoes in her hand. "Alright! Thanks again for watching her! Have fun!" I said to her with glee. She replied with a smile and I shut the door. Avery was playing with Mollie and I sat down to study some more. "Hey mummy?" She asked in a sweet voice. "Yeah sweetie?" I replied. "Everyone else at Nursery School have daddys but I only have a mommy?" I sat for a minute and closed my eyes. 'You knew this was going to happen someday, Haleigh.' I told myself. "Well, some mommys and daddys dont get along or have a good relationship so they have to split up." I explained in the easiest way possible. "Can I meet daddy?" "Maybe someday, hun." She looked down with sadness in her eyes and I wished she could understand and see it the way I saw. "Maybe we can go to Starbucks to get some Earl Grey and then stop at the park for awhile?" I offered with a smile. Her face dramatically changed and she jumped up yelling at me to get ready. I smiled and got up, putting my jacket on and slipping my flats on my big foot feet and grabbed my purse, and walked out the door with Avery, strutting along.

"A tall Cinnimon Dolce latte and Earl Grey tea and a cheesecake brownie please." I told the cashier handing her my credit card. "Names?" "Haleigh and Avery." She jotted down the names on the cups and looked up at me. "Your daughter is adorable." She said flashing a smile. "Oh, thanks." I said looking over at Avery walking around the small cafe and eventually talking to an elderly lady about how she loved to dance and sing. I grinned and turned back around to the cashier. "She's a handful at times but I love her to death." She flashed another smile and the blonde behind her said our drinks were ready. I got a straw for Avery's tea and cautiosly handed it to her. "Thank you mummy!" She screetched. 'Bye, Constance." She said to the elderly lady she was talking to earlier. Constance waved back and we walked out the door into the freezing cold weather. We walked down the sidewalk and I could see the park in the distance."I SEE IT MUMMY!" She said in her small accent. "I do too! Wanna race?" I said in a kid voice. Her face lit up like a Christmas tree and she nodded her head. We ran to the park, and of course, I let her win, and I pretended to act dissapointed. "It's okay, there's always a next time." She said reasuringly. I giggled and shook my head. She played on the playground awhile longer and got tired. "Can we eat somewhere mum?" I nodded my head and put her over my shoulder and walked her half way to a McDonalds and wanted down so I let her down. She talked about how she wanted to see aunt Lindsay and Grandma, who lived back in Nebraska. I contemplated back and forth with myself wether I should move back or not, always deciding not to. I was telling Avery about the time me and my friend did something weird, when someone bumped into my arm, I was used to it because of living in London, but this person wan't an ordinary man on the street. "Haleigh?" He asked I stopped and turned around. Is it really him? My eyes got wide. "Harry?" I asked with a questionable look on my face. He smiled and huuged me. "It's been forever!" He said exaggerating the 'forever' part. "Yeah! It has hasn't it?" I said with a genuine smile. Avery was looking up at him with an odd look on her face. "Who are you?" She said in a rude tone. "Avery, be nice, this is my friend Harry." She gave him a smile and shook his hand. "Oh, hi!" She said smiling up at him. "Is this Harpers girl? She always said she wanted a family." He questioned. I laughed and shook my head. "She's my daughter." His face showed a surprised expression and I was hoping he didn't look to close to see the resemblance. "So, who's the lucky dad?" I went to make an excuse but Avery cut me off. "She said some mummys and daddys can't be together and that I'll get to meet him someday, hopefully soon though, because I need to meet him." He smirked at her and looked at me again. "How old is she?" "Almost four." She really needed to stop answering for me. She's going to give it away. "Hasn't it been about that time since w-" I cut him off. "I found  someone right after. Too soon I know but, I'm weird." He gave me that questionable look again. "Well I'm sure you have to be somewhere and Ave is hungry so we're going to go now." "Can Harry come too?" "Baby, he's probably busy and has a family." I told her in a sad voice. "No, just me and my cat. And I don't have to work today." "Oh, well, okay, I guess he can eat with us." I told her. They both smiled and we walked down the street.

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