Chapter 9

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Flashback continued:

I woke up to the bright morning sun shinning in through the white curtains. 'Wait, white curtains? I have pink curtains.' My head shot up from the fluffy pillow and looked around in a panic. I noticed a large lump under the sheets beside me and that's when I went into full on panic mode. I let out one loud, lingering scream and jumped out of the bed with a pillow in my hands. You know because the person might have a knife and a pillow has a lot of protection and authority.

He jumped up and looked at me with his eyes squinted from the sun.

"Who are you?" I asked somewhat calmly while breathing extremely fast.

"Harry, I met you last night and offered you to stay here so your mom wouldn't kill you."

"Where the fuck does she think I am? Narnia?"

"No, your friends house."

"Oh. Okay. I guess that makes me feel better."

I sat at the end of the bed and looked in the mirror in front of me. God I looked like trash. My focus on my looks were interrupted by Harry walking to the bathroom.  Naked. Like full on naked. My eyes grew to the size of watermelons but I couldn't look away. He was hot.

"So don't you have classes? You said last night that you wanted to be a teacher."

Fuck. School. I totally forgot about that!


"Uh, 7:30." Oh god. Im going to be late. This will be the death of me.

I looked at my slutty clothes and groaned. I never should have let Isabelle talk me into doing this on a school night. I should've just told her to wait a day so the next day we wouldn't have school. I pushed the though from my head and adjusted my clothes and fixed my hair and makeup. At least those two things weren't messed up.

"Guessing you need a ride to school?"

"That would be nice." I said with a smile peeking through my lips at the end.

"Uh, I'll finish getting dressed and we'll get going." He said gesturing to his now half naked body.

After an awkward twenty minute drive across town and an unclear explanation at how Isabelle got fake ID's and we were actually in High School, we finally got to my school. I thanked him and walked into the large brick building, hoping that night wouldn't follow me throughout the day. Sadly, that hope was a major disappointment. I walked down the halls to my locker and almost every guy's eye was on me. Almost everyone of them were checking me out as well. I mean I wasn't complaining, I had always wanted something like this to happen to me, just not while I was hungover, and dressed in slutty clothes that made me look like a prostitute. I reached my locker and began twisting the nob thing to the correct numbers when I felt a slight tap on my shoulder.

"So, Isabelle told me about last night, did you get some?" I looked at Trinity with a glare and I got my books for my classes out of the slim blue locker.

"No i did not 'get some'. At least I don't think I did. I really didn't ask him. I was too busy freaking out over being late for school."

"Haleigh! You don't remember?"

"No. I don't remember a thing from last night. Not even getting into bed with him, let alone anything after the third drink."

"Did you get his number?" Her brows were raised half way to her scalp.

"No. I didn't even think about it."

"Give me your phone, you might have got his number last night but forgot." I rolled my eyes and went to reach for my purse, when I realized it was still in his car.


"What?" She looked up from finishing her homework at last minute and gave me a curious look.

"I forgot my purse, that has my phone in it, in his car."


"Yes! Trin, what am I going to do?"

"I don't know. But this is so romantic! A one night stand turns into a messed up version of Cinderella!" I rolled my eyes right as the bell rang and rushed to get my stuff ready for class.

"Oh, and by the way Sydney was looking for you earlier, might want to look for her and see what she wanted."

"Alright, bye." I said waving her goodbye.

"Shall I compare thee to a summers day? Thou art more lovel-, Haleigh, you seem really out of it today. What's wrong?"

"You know how Isabelle made us those fake ID's?"

"Yeah. That's all you two would talk about for three days in a row."

"Well, i met someone while we were at a bar, and I must've agreed to staying with him because I woke up next to him, in a hotel bed this morning."

"Well, was it a nice hotel?" Really? That's the question she asks?

"Yes, but that's not the point."

"Your right, the point is that we have to work on this Shakespeare project or Mrs. Lennon is going to strangle us." I shook my head.

Does she even care?

"You don't understand. I can't remember if we, ya know, did it. And I can't ask him because I don't have his number."

"Easy, just look in your phone. That's where it is in the movies."

"I don't have it. I forgot it in his car."

She leaned against the window sill and shook her head.

"Smooth one."

"Yeah. I know." I shoved my hand into my extremely tight jeans and felt something in my pocket. My eyes filled with hopefulness and I yanked it from my pocket to see what it was.

My high hopes fell and shattered at the sight I saw.

"It's a condom wrapper."

(Authors Note:)

Hey guys! I'm sorry for always taking a long time to update but I'm hoping I'll get better at that in the future, and I also would like to thank everysingle one of my readers because I now I have 1k readers! It's an amazing feeling and I literally had problems breathing when I saw the number! I hope you guys like the flashbacks because I think they're pretty cool and if you have a prediction comment what you think and if you are correct I will have a surprise for you. :) Anyways, I have to shower now so thank you for reading, I hope you liked the update, and stay swaggy my little pumpkin monsters. ;)

~Haleigh Elaine

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