Chapter 10

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Flashback still continued:

I sat at the lunch table, trying to explain what happened, with a condom wrapper in my pocket and a heart beating 1,000 miles an hour.

"What kind was it?" 

"Trinity is that question really necessary? Why does it matter?" I rolled my eyes and began poking my non-edible looking lunch with my fork.

"Look, it's a serious question. If it was a good brand, your not preggo, if it was bad, you got a bun in the oven."

"Well I know for a fact I don't have a bun in the oven, I'm on birth control." 

"Just give me it." She reached her hand across the table and gestured for me to give it to her.

"No way. Not here. In public." 

"Hand it to me under the table and I'll give it to her." Isabelle ever so kindly offered.

"Oh my lord, fine."

I passed the foil package to Isabelle, who not so secretively, gave it to Trinity.

She looked at the purple label and read it aloud.

"TROJAN MAGNUM?" She looked at me with bug eyes and I was confused. Why was that a big thing?

"Um, why is that such a big deal?"

"BIG idea alright! That's the third largest condom size! Well in the United States anyways..."

"How do you know this?"

"I do research."

"On... condoms?" I was very curious as to where this conversation was leading.

"Well, when I'm bored I look up weird things and one day that just so happened to be one of the things that I looked up." 

"Okay who the fuck cares about Trinity's condom fetish? Haleigh, you lost your virginity to a guy, you don't know, with a very large penis. Is your vagina still intact?"  Isabelle said, quite loudly, making a few fellow classmates look in our direction.

"Isabelle shut up! People are looking over here." I hid my face behind Sydney's shoulder and slid my food to Trinity, who rejected.

We all sat silent for awhile, not knowing what to say.

"Well," Trinity began, "there's only one thing left to do."

She pulled a white iphone from her back pocket and held it up for the table to see.

"Let's call him."

I looked at my number dialed into her phone. Half of me wanted him to answer, the other half hoping he wouldn't answer so that I could just forget this whole mess. 

"Do it." Isabelle whispered in my ear.

"Hurry." Trinity said, getting antsy.

I pushed the call button and pressed the speaker against my ear.

 I waited for quite sometime and just as I was going to hang up, I heard a voice on the other end.

"Erm, hello?"

"Hi, uh, this is Haleigh, the girl from this morning." 

"Oh yeah! Did you want to meet up somewhere to get your things? I'm open all day if you want to."

My heart rate sped up like Usain Bolt going for the gold.

"U-uh, yeah sure, I mean if your up for that I don't care really." God damn, why do I have to be so awkward?

He chuckled a bit, "Yeah, that would be great. Where do you want to go?"

"It's up to you."

"Okay well, uh, how about Juice Stop on 27th street at four?"

I noded my head in agreement,, forgetting we were not having a face to face conversation.

"Yeah that would be great." I said, smiling.

"Great! Bye, love!" His British accent made my smile grow even wider.


Maybe this won't be too bad after all?


(A/N:) Hey guys! It's Haleigh again! I apoligize for the very short and late update i actually DID update but my fricking safrari shut down and I LOST EVERYTHING. Anyways, thank you guys for being so patient with me! Uhhhh, oh yeah! If you're not voting/promoting please do so I have like 65 votes and 3K readers which is quite amazing! And just one more itsy bitsy favor to ask of you  blueberry gumdrops, please click this link ( )and vote for me because I will love you forever and I will literally do any favor that you want as long as I am capable and if I win and you voted (i will need proof that you did) I, Haleigh Elaine Conard, promise to give them your Twitter name. So yeah vote for me please! Okay, I love you guys more than food stay swaggy my little pumking monsters! **blows kisses through computer or phone screen**

~Haleigh Elaine

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