Chapter 3

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I woke up the next morning in Avery's small bed with princess sheets I smiled down at her small arms wrapped around my big one, gripping it hard. I shook her off of me and walked downstairs to make breakfast and get ready for work. I saw a note on the table and hit myself on the head, remembering Harry. I picked it up and read:

Dear Haleigh, 

Sorry I left last night you took awhile to come back downstairs and I began to get worried so I checked on you and saw that you were both asleep. I was going to crash on your couch but didn't know how you'd feel about it. I called Louis and got a ride from him. Hope to see you and Avery soon! Cheeky little girl she is!


I sighed and flicked the paper onto the kitchen's small counter, realizing there was more stuff scribbled on the back. I snatched it off the counter and read it, it was his phone number. I ran to my purse and got the phone out, then sprinting back into the kitchen, slipping in my socks and almost plummeting to the ground. I finally got to the kitchen and copied his number into my phone, set the name as Harry before reminding myself to make breakfast. 

I made two scrambled eggs and two pieces of toast, then poured milk and juice for the both of us. I looked at the clock and it was almost eight thirty so I ran upstairs to wake Avery up so we weren't late to help the church put up Christmas decorations.

"Avery, time to wake up." I said shaking her out of slumber.

She yawned in return and got up, running to the bathroom, tripping a bit. I was glad she didn't fall or anything, I'd never hear the end of it. 

I went downstairs, figuring she'd be down soon to eat anyways. I was right. She made her way downstairs and into the kitchen.

"Mummy, can I eat now? I'm hungry."

"Yeah just a sec." I said, picking up her plate of food and drinks and sat them at a table and went back to get mine.

"Can we see Harry again today mum?" 

"No hun, sorry. We have to go to church and help and after that we have to go to the store."

She rolled her eyes and looked at me again.

"Fine." She protested.

I remembered the deal I had made with Avery the night before. If she was good I had to tell her. I was half hoping she'd act up today, which, so far had been going well.

An hour had passed and we were at the church setting up the decorations for Christmas. I was helping the pastor's daughter string the lights for the Nursery, when I got a text from Harry.

'Hey Sunshine'

'How did you get my number?' I asked, confused.

'A magician never reveals his secrets' he replied.

I rolled my eyes. Of course he would say something like that.

"Mummy are you going to help or just play on your phone!"  Avery said in a sassy tone of her's. I was glad she was being sassy. I didn't have to show her a picture of Harry.

'Hey, are you still there?'  I forgot Harry was texting me.

'Sorry Avery was talking to me. I'll text you later'  I replied I didn't want Avery in my business.

I fast walked back to Avery and her church friends to help.

'Will you at least meet me at Samantha's Restaurant when you are done doing whatever you are doing'  I could tell he wanted to talk to me alone.

'I would but after this we are going shopping for food'  I texted back, sadly

'No let me go with you' he replied.

"Okay, I'll call you when we are done'

'Great' he replied, I could tell he was happy.

We were finishing up so I decided to call Harry and tell him which store we were going to and where we would meet. 

"Who are you talking to?" Avery said, while tugging on my shirt lightly.

"Just a friend, Angel."


I smiled at her and said my good-bye's to Harry so we could meet him.

After stuggling with getting Avery out of church, and to stop playing with Tori, we finally pulled up to the closest grocery store and I instantly saw Harry waiting outside the doors.

"MUMMY, LOOK IT'S HARRY!" She exclaimed loudly, as if an astroid had hit the earth.

I smiled while looking for a close parking spot, finding one by two idiots who obviously didn't know how to park. I hoped out of the car and opened the car to reveal that Avery was already unbuckled. As soon as that door was open, she was out and grabbed my hand ready to see Harry. 

"HARRYYYY!" She yelled, and he picked her up hugging her.

If only we were a family.

"Okay, let's go shop, shall we?"  Harry said while setting Avery on the ground next to him.

"What stuff do you have to get?" Harry asked.

"Um, bread, milk, eggs, juice, vegetables, fruit, and flour." 

"I like bananas." Avery told Harry with a serious look on her face.

"Really? Me too! We can be monkey buddies!"

She giggled and poked him in the leg. 

"I don't want to be a monkey! Silly Harry!"

I smiled again and started to go down the isles picking up what I needed, leaving the two 'Monkey Buddies' in the dust.

I was done in no time, and even though Harry and Avery wanted to stay and mess around, I insisted we left because not only were a few elderly citizens getting irritated but also because I needed sleep so that I could go to work, even though it was a Sunday. They finally gave in. just as we were about to head to the car, Harry ran after us and stopped us in our tracks.

"Uh, Zayn and Perrie are holding they're annual Christmas party and I wanted to know if you'd be my date. I -I know it's a bit sudden, but your the only girl I really want to go with."  He looked at the ground, blushing.

"If I can find a babysitter for Avery, I would love love to come with you and be your date." 
I said smirking at him.

His head shot up faster than the speed of light and he smiled the widest smile I had ever seen.

"Cool, thanks, I'll text you later babe." And with that, he walked away, leaving me weak in the knees.

We were driving home, listening to the Alvin and the Chipmunks Christmas CD and singing along until we finally got home. I pulled into the driveway and saw a lump on the patio, I pulled out my pepper spray and told Avery to stay in the car while I inspected who it was. As I got closer, my heart beat increased.

"Excuse me?" I began timidly. "Who are you?"

The figure stood up and I instantly recognized who it was.


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