Chapter 8

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My head was spinning with confusion. He looked at the ground and played with his fingers.

Just tell me already you facepoop.

"Uh, I, just wanted to know if you've ate yet. I'm starving and Chinese takeout sounds amazing right now." He said looking down at me.

I can see right through his lies.

"Um, yeah. But are okay? You seem... odd?"

"Y-yeah positive." His eyes went wide and his upper lip begasn growing beads of sweat.

"I'll take the sesame chicken." I got up from the couch and began heading towards the bedroom.

"Where are you going?" I looked back and he had a worried look on his face.

"Don't worry chubs, I'm going to put my jammies on." I smiled as I called him by his old nickname.

He smiled down at the phone and shook his head.

I got to my room and got out my bright pink overnight bag and dug through it looking for my clothes before realizing they weren't in there.

"Fuck, really?" I whispered.

I looked at Avery cuddling with Sprinkles, her stuffed pink cat that was attached to her hip.

I smiled at the sight and went back downstairs, figuring I'd just sleep in my day clothes.

I went in the kitchen and saw Harry leaning over the counter, doing something on his phone.

"Hey." I said to him with a smile.

He looked up from his electronic device and looked at me with his eyebrows knitted together.

"I thought you were putting on your pajamas on?"

"Yeah I was but I must've left them on my bed when I was packing." i shrugged my shoulders and traced the granite pattern on the counter with my index finger.

"Youre gonna be uncomfortable."

"I'll live."

"Here use a pair of my gym shorts and you can wear my grey sweater you always liked to wear." He began walking towards the stairs and I stumbled infront of him.

"No its fine really, I dont need to use them."

"I want you to be comfortable here, Haleigh." He retorts and pushes me out of the way effortlessly.

I finally got tired of arguing so I stayed on the couch until he came trotting down the stairs with a Cheshire cat grin, plastered on his face.

"You know where to go if you want to change." He taunted before walking back into the kitchen.

I went into the bathroom and stripped naked. I turned to the full body mirror.and basically checked myself out. I had terrible stretch marks but at least I wasnt as chunky as I was when I was a young teen. I scoffed at myself and proceeded to put on the clothes that Harry so kindly offered me.

I shook my hair and tried to get it to look decent but I gave up and put it in a messy sidebraid.

After we ate Chinese and talked, a lot, about everything under the moon, we both began to get tired and mutually decided to go to bed. We awkwardly gave eachother a goodnight handshake and disappeared into our rooms.

Flashback Start:

I gingerly examined the fake ID, stroking the bumpy letters that had my stats on it. Isabelle looked at me with a sly grin on her face and asked if I liked it.
"Yeah I do, but what if we get caught? My scholarship could be revoked and you know how hard I worked for it."
She rolled her eyes and her stone cold stare made me shiver.
"Come on Haleigh, you have to live a little. Your  probably the most boring person I know." She always complains.
"Fine. But I wont get drunk. Im DD."
"Or we both get drunk then get a cab to take us back home."
"Whatever." A smile grew on her face and she jumped up and down screaming like a phyco person in an asylum.
"Okay wear your tight jeans that make your ass look fab, and then your lowcut grey shirt with your red heels from that one online store." So basically she wants me to look like a whore. Nice.
"And I'll curl your hair and do your makeup."
I gave into her evil scheme and agreed.
"Alright, but you have to wear your tight grey dress and black sparkly pumps that I know you hate more than life itself, or the deals off."

I walked up to the bouncer and fumbled around in my clutch, struggling to find my ID.
"Oh, found it." I basically shoved it in his face and he motioned for me to go in. Isabelle came behind me not to long after and pushed me to the bar.
"Sex on the beach. Two of em!" Isabelle shouted to the bar tender over the booming music.
In no time our alcoholic beverages were finished being made and given to us.
I looked at Isabelle like a lost puppy. I didnt know how to take a shot. How pathetic. I watched and took mental notes on how to do it.
I slowly picked up the shot glass and threw the burning liquid to the back of my throat and cringed at the taste. It was so... new. It made me feel like a different person. A fearless person.
I kept demanding drinks left and right.
Isabelle just sat in shock.
"What? Didn't think I had a wild side did ya?" I taunted with a tipsy giggle.
She just laughed and shook her head.
A few drinks later I noticed a person had filled the empty barstool beside me.
"Hey, I'm Haleigh! But you can call me Leigh, and I'll call yoouuu haawwt stuff."
"Well Leigh, as much as I would love a pretty lady like you calling me hot stuff, my names Harry." He held his hand out for me to shake, and I slapped it, giving him a high five.
"So, hot Harry, what brings you here?"
He blushed and looked at his drink.
"Just need my mind off things."
"Well, drink up and worry no more!" I told him and nudged his muscular side.
"Cheers." He said, lifting up his glass.


Hey guys! Im soo sorry for the long wait (again) but im hoping on double updating to make up for it! Also, no one is doing the game thingy I explained in the last chapter. PLEASE DO IT!

Just at least try it once.

Cmon guys!

Anyways, thank you for reading, I hope you liked the update!
~Haleigh Elaine

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