chapter 5

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Flashback Start:

I looked at the pregnancy test with disbelief. Positive.

I can't be pregnant.

What will Harry do or think?

He's going to leave me, I know it. If he doesn't, his career is over, his fans are gone, the media will be bathing in cash once they get there dirty hand on this information.

I was feeling dizzy and my vision came fuzzy.

Calm down Haleigh, deep breaths, deep breaths.

I needed someone to talk to, someone who knew not only me, but Harry better than they knew themselves. Gemma was the only person that came to mind. I sent her a quick text asking if I could come over because it was urgent and of course she said yes.

I grabbed my keys, phone and purse and walked into the cold air, sliding into the passenger seat and turned the car on. I let the car heat up a bit while and let the thoughts flood my head for awhile. I took a deep breath in and backed out of the driveway onto the busy street flooded with other cars, heading towards Gemma's house, and before I knew it I was there.

I blankly looked at her brick house, trying to work up the courage to go in there. After about fifteen minutes of just sitting, I grew a pair and got out of the car and knocked on the door. She answered the door right away and told me to come in.

"What's wrong? You were sitting in the car doing nothing for like the past half hour." She said, pulling me into a hug, and I lost it. I began sobbing into her shoulder and she wrapped her arms around me, pulling me into a hug.

"Please tell me whats wrong. I can't help you if I don't know. And I swear to god if Harry did something to you I'm gonn-"

"No, he didn't do anything, I promise." She gave me and odd look and I continued with what I was telling her. "So lately, I haven't been feeling the best, and I haven't had my period for the past two months, so I decided to take a pregancy test, and it's positive. I'm pregnant."

She looked at me with a confused look on her face.

"Your not happy?" I sucked in a breath and explained to her what I had thought about the situation since I found out.

"I don't know what to tell you hun. It's up to you. I support you with whatever you do and I won't tell anyone but at the end of the day I have to be on my brothers side, I really think you should tell him."

I nodded my head and wiped my tear stained cheeks and thanked her, while giving her another hug before walking to the door.

"Ya know, he really loves you. He risked going to jail when he started dating you last year, because you weren't legal. That should say a lot about him." She told me as I went to open the door.

"Yeah, I know." And with that I walked out the door back into the frigid cold.

When I got back home, I went upstairs and paced back and forth, debating in my head whether or not to leave or not. I looked at the clock to see how much time was left until he got home. It was three thirty and he got home at six thirty. I didn't know if it was enough time to get ready but I hoped it was. I started by packing all my shoes and clothes in a few boxes and laundry baskets, but even then it wasn't enough to get all my clothes. I checked the clock again, it was five o'clock exactly. Only an hour and a half left. I put my makeup and other beauty essentials in a smaller box and decided to put the stuff in my car and go. I wasn't going to write a letter, I didn't know what to say and I was too miserable and I didn't want to sugar coat anything.

I was walking down the stairs with my small box of 'beauty essentials' and saw my favorite picture of us, it was us on our first Christmas together. He was holding mistletoe above our heads and we were kissing in front of the tree. I swallowed hard and grabbed it off the shelf and brought it with me.

I had everything in the car and I started to drive, but I didn't know where.

"Fuck! Shit! Damn! Son of a motherfucking bitch!" I had said every word inn the book at that moment.

The only person I could think of that wouldn't tell Harry, or yell at me for leaving him without warning or explanation was Sammi. I'd known her since middle school back in Nebraska along with Jamie and Isabelle, but she was the only one that decided to live closer to me.

I found her number in my phone and dialed it, putting it to my ear. It rang a few times and I finally heard her voice.

"Hey Haleigh, what's up?" she asked.

"Can I stay with you awhile until I can find my own place? I'm all packed up and I'll explain what happened when I get there."

"Yeah, definitely."

"Okay, be there in a few."Fuck,

Flashback End.

I woke up in my bed, being swallowed by my soft bed. I looked over at Isabelle who was watching me sleep.

"Was it all a dream?" I asked hopefully.

"Nope. When Avery came out you passed out and Harry carried you in the house and up the stairs." I wish it was all a dream. I wish the dream I had was a nightmare that never happened and that me and Harry were a happy family.

"Anyways, your babysitter called and canceled, she said something about a job interview."

Shit I have work today.

"What time is it?" I asked looking at Isabelle, who was wearing my pajamas.

"Nine twenty." She said blankly while twiddling her thumbs over her phone's keyboard.

I hoped out of bed and rushed to get ready because my shift started at ten.

"Don't forget about your daughter." She warned.

"Pwease wats hor fo me." I attempted to say while brushing my teeth and hoping into my work pants.

"Don't know. My schedule's pretty busy." She said with a smirk.

I spat my toothpaste into the sink and went back into my room so I could put my shirt and shoes on.

"You can use my computer. I have wifi and cable and you can feel free to eat food. But you have to take care of Avery and if she wants something you can't give her, try your hardest to get the closest to it you can." I explained in a rush and I put my hair in a ponytail.

"I have a younger brother that I've babysat before and I'm not retarded ."

I shrugged my shoulders and tied my shoes.

"I guess you never know."

I walked down to see Ave watching her morning cartoons. I bent down and gave her a kiss on the cheek but she didn't even acknowledge my existence.

"I'm sorry I didn't tell you Harry was your daddy. But I have to go to work now, now I'll see you later okay?"

I wanted her to see that I truly was sorry, but her eyes were still glued on TV. I sighed and grabbed my coat pulling my arms through the sleeves.

"If you have any questions at all, just call me, okay? I'll have my me the whole time just in case."

"Kay." Isabelle replied, while doing something on the computer.

"Bye Avery, I love you!"

She looked at me and jumped off the couch and hugged my legs.

"I love you too mummy."

I tried my best to not let a tear escape and somehow, I managed to keep the tears in.

"Okay, I have to go now, and I know Harper won't be watching you, but you better treat Isabelle the same way okay?"

She nodded her head and ran back to the couch, and I proceeded out the door so I could go to work on time..

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