Coloured Roses

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It's one in the morning and I've been on my laptop since around six editing and writing and my eyes are blurry. I need some caffeine. Enjoy.

The office was like your average office. Wooden bookshelves filled with books, wooden desk, two chairs on both sides. When we entered the room, I was moved to stand behind my mates as they shook hands with the business men in the room.

Annoyed, I stuck my head out to the side and smiled at the men in the room, waving at them.

"Hello" I said. They chuckled and nodded at me, their eyes gazing at me in amusement. As if I was child who was being naughty. I raised my eyebrows, mouth opening to say something when I was pulled back, my face squished onto Xaviers back.

Adrian remained silent but the icy look he threw me spoke volumes. I swallowed.


Everyone took their seats, my seat being on Xaviers lap with my back to the business men. He didn't bother to change into a suit for the meeting which was confusing. Didn't he want to impress them?

Adrian was still in his suit, sharp and crease free. I had a feeling the man lived in a suit. My mouth watered at the thought of what was underneath that suit. He sat back in his chair, the image of confident, his hands steepled, his eyes concentrated on the business men.

They said to something to him and he clenched his jaw, his eyes betraying his emotionless face and portraying his anger. Without realising I was doing so, I reached my hand forward underneath the desk and rested my hand on his thigh.

He relaxed under my touch and I smiled at my success.

Xavier was playing with my hair distractedly as he listened. I tried to listen to the conversation but they were speaking about things I had no idea about. I liked reading and writing and history and that was pretty much it.

Anything else and I was terrible at it.  Except maybe art, I was okay at art. I was no Picasso but I was alright  at it.

My ears perked when I heard the word mate being mentioned.

"...she's quite the handful, always struggling, disobeying me." One of them said. "Her family live in Europe see and she's nearly half my age so she was none too happy about coming with me. I couldn't leave her there though, she's too young and pretty, a boy would try and do something." He snarled.

I frowned, twisting to look at him over my shoulder. "Did you take her with you as soon as you found her?" I asked him.

He looked a little shocked to be spoke to and by the hand squeezing my hip tightly, Xavier wasn't too happy about me talking to him.

"Yes, I did." He said uncertainly, not knowing whether it was a good idea to speak to me.

"So let me get this straight. You go to Europe on business or whatever and you find your mate. You're happy. You discover she's younger than you by quite a bit, I'm guessing a teenager maybe seventeen?" I ask. He nods. "So she's full of the hormones that teenagers are full with and she's stressed over exams and maybe that boy she liked might like her and that's all she's worrying about.

 And this older man comes in and goes all wolfy on her and rips her from her home before she can properly come to terms with it. Doesn't even compromise or negotiate, just rips her straight from her home and family and whisks her across the world to a place where they speak different and spell different and smell different. And then, this mate bosses her around and gets angry at her, wants to mate but she's not ready but you want to  already.

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