needed to be said

22.7K 403 70

Hello there.

I don't deal with confrontations,  never have and probably never will. I'm usually the mediator in fights with friends and stay quiet during an actual fight when I'm involved.

I've said this before and I'm going to say it again before I lose my shit and end up deleting my entire account.

I'm not going to allow rude comments into my story and I have the right to delete them. It's my fucking story that I want to share with people who have the same interests.

I don't usually open up about things, to people on the internet or to friends and family members but I have an anxiety disorder and tend to miss out on a lot of things that I would want to do or need to do but can't. Wattpad is my safe haven, has been since I was 13. I come here and I forget about all the bullshit that my mind makes up as soon as I leave the house. It helps me and I used to remained quietly in the background, never liking the stories or commenting for reasons that even I struggle to understand before I decided to out myself out there and publish The Lycans Claim.

It was a really big step for me and you guys have no idea how many times I panicked and went to delete the story. I still do sometimes.

There are so many kind comments and comments that made me sit there and laugh for a good few minutes. I know I don't reply to a lot of the messages but just know that I do read them and they really do give me confidence in the story.

If you're going to be rude and bring hate to this story, please leave. I won't stand for it.

Thank you everyone who comments nice things and genuinely enjoys the story. I'm trying, honestly.

Sorry for the long message, if any of you even read this. I usually hate when authors do that but I needed to get it off my chest. It won't take a rocket scientist to figure out what comment caused this.

Thank you again and I really do appreciate all of your votes and nice comments and just all of you reading this in general. I'm going to put this in both my stories to spread the word. Thank you.

You're fucking amazing.

- Niamh

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