Cheap glasses and strong vodka

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I groggily rubbed my eyes and sipped on a cup of coffee. The fact that I was even drinking coffee showed just how tired I was.

I spent a lot of last night tossing and turning, too worried to sleep. I wasn't ready to be thrown into the world that was Adrian's family. 

I winced at the thought and took another sip, my face twisted in disgust but I powered through it. I needed energy for today if I wanted to be able to deal with his family and all of their quirks.

I downed the rest of the cup and trudged upstairs to shower and dress. After showering, I walked out of the bathroom while drying my hair with the towel. My dress was laid out on the bed with my underwear and shoes.

It was a pink dress that reached my knees with nude heels to go with it. I grimaced as I looked at the heels.

Heels and I were enemies. I had created many bad memories in heels, adopted many bruises in heels. I warily slipped them on and glanced at the watch on my wrist.

The watch was out of place with the semi formal dress and heels, it was small and black and digital. I still had trouble reading normal clocks. I had ten minutes until my mates came back and collected me so we could go to this God forsaken meeting.

I put my hand on my stomach when I suddenly felt sick. I wasn't looking forward to this and neither was Xavier which was comforting. He was equally grim about the whole meeting and I was glad for that. 

If I had to go through it all with only Adrian's family surrounding me, I would go insane. Xavier told me that while his family was crazy, they were fiercely loyal and would never ever lay a hand on me considering I am now family.

"Baby, stop worrying. My family are on their best behaviour" Adrian murmured in my ear.

I jumped slightly at how close he was. I hadn't even heard him walk into the room.

"I know, its just a big deal meeting your entire family at the same time" I said honestly. He chuckled and kissed my neck.

He held my hand and together we walked to the door where Xavier stood talking quietly to a woman dressed in green.

They stopped when we exited. The woman nodded her head respectfully while Xavier's face softened and he smiled at me warmly.

"Hello sweetheart. You look beautiful today" he gently kissed my cheek and smiled widely at my blush. They escorted me down the hall and out the front door.

I vaguely noted that the woman in green got into the car behind us and seemed to follow is to the gathering.

I watched the trees blur past as we drive speedily down the road. Both my mates had a hand on my thigh, gently rubbing the area with their thumbs.

I closed my eyes and remembered happy moments, calming memories to force my heart beat to slow down.

I remember one time when I was younger, I used to have really bad panic attacks when I thought of going to school.

My breathing would increase and I would gag and cough, desperately trying to suck in air. I remember my heart beating fast and hard in my chest.

On one of those days, I stayed home, curled up in my sitting room just watching the outside. It was only starting to get bright out seeing as it was winter and I remember glancing up just as a light went on in one of the windows.

I could see a woman walk forward and close her blinds before opening then again a few minutes later.

Something about the moment stayed with me, I was struck by how even though I was sitting in my house, alone and anxious about nothing that this person was just waking up, facing a a completely different day to me yet the exact same.

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