Wendy We Can Get Away

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 That song makes me so happy, I can't

I made it surprisingly far without being caught which both shocked and worried me. Being so far from my mates without even sensing them chasing me was putting me on edge. 

What if something happened to them while I was away? What if they were chained to a wall and were being tortured?

I bit my lip and ran my hand through my hair.

It had grown quite a bit while I was with my mates, so I decided to cut it by myself.

I wasn't the most skilled hair stylist and I was even worse at cutting my own hair. It was choppy and uneven and looked as if a toddler had gotten at it but I didn't care.

I loved it.

It had always been on the bucket list to cut my own hair and I had officially done it. I was planning on slowly ticking things off of my bucket list while I was away from my mate, it was like little adventure.

I grinned at the thought and leaned against the bus seat.

It was an old bus that I was on. The engine spluttered and groaned when the gear was changed, the driver looked even older than the bus itself, maybe mid 80's. His hair was wispy and thin, a transparent grey colour. I could see the liver spots on the back of his head from where I sat and how his wrinkled hands would go stiff on the wheel every now and again. His brown suit was neat and orderly, not a crinkle in sight. Even his coffee was unable to stain his suit, it remained in the cup holder next to his seat, occasionally being lifted up so he could take a big gulp.

His droopy, tired eyes, flickered up to the mirror and glanced back at me. They crinkled at the corners and completely hid his eyeball from view. I smiled back at him softly and turned to look out the window.

The scenery going past was nothing special, nothing to make me feel calm and to make my heart feel at peace. Yet, I still felt that feeling in my chest anyways.

That free, intense feeling, I felt as if I could do anything right now, maybe even take over and drive the bus when his arthiritis took over and he couldn't steer the bus.

Dust swirled around the bus in big puffs of air, occasionally I could see buildings that looked as if they were for business but mainly it was just diners and gas stations. I didn't even know which state I was going to, I just bought the first ticket and left.

My plan to get a car and have a little road trip failed drastically when my car broke down in the middle of the road and I was forced to trudge miserably to the nearest gas station and ask for directions to a place where I could buy a bus ticket.

The woman hadn't been particularly nice and made me buy vegetarian jerky, obviously thinking it would annoy me. The poor lady didn't know I was already a vegetarian and enjoyed the jerky on my trek to the ticket station.

I've been on the road for a while now, long enough for my mates to have been able to find me at this point but no, no sign of them which was beginning to make my heart beat faster and faster from worry.

It was during the fourth hour of the bus ride that I thought something.

What if they knew I would run away and were letting to get it out of my system?

I didn't know whether to find it adorable or embarrassing. 

If they knew then they probably had someone watching me or knew where I was already. I closed my eyes and shook my head.

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