Pink Paint

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I'm so sorry, I've been in a slump lately and haven't felt like writing. Trying to write a lot before going back to school is hard and I have no time with volunteering and friends and everything else. I'm trying to start writing at night when I'm home so I apologize if it's all shit.

The next morning I woke up before Adrian and Xavier. I remained still, trying not to wake them. My back was against Adrian's chest, the steady rise and fall of his chest causing him to go closer to me.

My front faced Xavier, his leg between my legs and arm wrapped tightly around my waist, under Adrian's arm. My body was curled towards him while still being close to Adrian's.

I watched Xavier sleep, fascinated by how relaxed he looked. His dark lashes rested on his cheeks, stubble covered his jaw, sharp and strong. His dark hair was ruffled, looking sexy rather than a mess like how mine probably looked.

"Kitten, it's rude to stare." Xavier murmured, keeping his eyes closed. I jerked in surprise, hitting the back of my head off of Adrian's chin.

I yelped and jumped away from him, trying to wrestle my way out of his arms and away from Xavier. Adrian growled and held me tighter.

"Stop." He commanded. My body froze, ceasing all movement. He kissed my neck and inhaled my scent before growling and letting me go. "We're leaving here at seven p.m. It's only nine a.m. right now so you have plenty of time."

"You didn't even look at the clock." I pouted.

Xavier laughed and leaned over, he kissed me briefly, his mouth lifting up into a smile that I returned.

"We have to attend to business today so you'll have to stay up in the room until we are finished. After the stunt you pulled last time, you won't be sitting in in out business meetings for a while."

I flushed and nodded. Adrian turned my head towards him and planted a kiss on my lips. "Breakfast will be sent up soon and we will check on you between meetings. Behave." With that said, he got out if bed and casually walked towards the closet, dropping his clothes as he went.

My cheeks turned red and I turned sharply away from him, but not after catching sight of his ass.

Xavier laughed and kissed my cheek before standing an doing the same. By the time they were changed and washed their clothes were folded neatly in the laundry basket.

I avoided their gaze as they left the room, dropping brief kisses on my lips before leaving with a warning to behave and to try and sleep or to watch some movies. I nodded at them, already planning on sleeping.

For what I had planned for tonight, I was going to need to get as much sleep as possible. I grinned to myself and settled back under the covers.

Switching the television on just in case I couldn't sleep, I closed my eyes and soon I was asleep.


I played with the hem of my skirt in the ride to my moms house. Adrian and Xavier sat on either side of me, their shoulders were higher than my own shoulders and it made it impossible to speak them. I would have to move my head and incline my neck upward and it was all too much hassle.

I would take it over sitting on their laps. They each had a hand on my thigh and were absently smoothing patterns.

The car rolled to a stop outside my house and I eagerly waited for them to slide out. Adrian gave me a hard look that spoke volumes and I nodded back. I would behave. Or at least, they would think I did.

I grinned at him as he smoothly slid out, his arm encasing me. Xavier held my hand and walked toward the house, slightly walking in front of me. He knocked on the door.

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