One Apple is ull amhain

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Finally off of hold lol sorry.

I laid on the ground for a moment longer before slowly pushing myself up and sitting cross legged. 

"There's really no point in me pretending you all didn't just catch me listening in. Honestly, this is a bit awkward so I vote we just go ahead and you tell me what you were talking about." I said seriously. The floor was warm under me but my face also felt heated. Maybe I was looking more embarrassed than I felt. 

Jack laughed and shook his head. "Man, I did miss you." 

My mates glared at him so intensely that I could feel the heat coming from their angrily heated bodies.Jack paid them no mind and just stared down at me in amusement, as if we were the closest of siblings and I had pulled off a major stunt.

"Missed you too." I squealed when I was scooped up in Adrian's arms. I giggled at his quiet grumbling and pinched his back. Jack's booming laughter followed me all the way outside. When Adrian dropped me into the front car seat and buckled my seat belt up, I stopped laughing and looked at him incredously. Did he just fasten my seat belt for me again? I thought that was a one time thing after I got back

Also, where the hell were we going?

"We're going to go get some food." He answered my silent question. I nodded and relaxed back into the seat. The seats in this car really were comfortable, far more comfortable than the seats in most other cars. They had this car specially made to fit the three of us in the front. I didn't even know you could get cars specially made. 

The inside had black soft seats with thick cushions and a small little car futon to prop your feet up on if you were sitting on the passenger side of the car.

The rich scent of cherries surrounded me, I breathed it in deeply along with my mates intoxicating scent. They were all addictive and I couldn't live without them. I smiled at Adrian when he placed his large palm on the top of my leg as we waited for Xavier and Jack to get into the car. I ran the tip of my pointer finger over the veins sticking up in his hands and smiled when a subtle shiver emitted from him.

Jack hopped into the back after Xavier sat in the front and then we were off. 

"So are we going out for food because what you have to tell me is so major?"  I asked into the silence. I recieved no answer and sat back quietly. When we pulled up outside the small diner that had only a few people inside, my mouth watered at the thought of their fluffy and delicious homemade pancakes. 

Xavier chuckled and pulled me along with him while Adrian casually strolled behind us with Jack behind him. I was sandwiched between my two mates as soon as we entered the diner. The booths weren't the largest and my mates weren't the smallest so it's safe to say we had a tight squeeze while Jack had all the space in the world. 

"What can I get you folks?" The waitress asked politely.

"Two large classic plates and pancakes without maple syrup and extra butter." Adrian ordered smoothly. "Two cups of coffee and a glass of orange juice without bits or ice."

"I'll have that large classic plate and a water." Jack added. She nodded, took the menus and left. 

"Next time we eat out, I'm going to order your food to see if I get it right."I yawned and leaned against Xavier. He was the more comfortable one out of the two. He was strong but he was lean and not as wide as Adrian who felt like a rock under my cheek. While I loved them both dearly, sometimes I just needed a little softer something to lean against rather than a boulder.

The waitress came back with the food. She placed them down in front of each of us and then promptly left. I was impressed by her lack of ogling of my mates and Jack while not coming off as cold to us. The pancakes placed in front of me had a light steam coming off of them with their still warm fluffy bundle. They were lightly golden and beautiful with the butter melting on the top

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 31, 2018 ⏰

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