Burnt Irons Burn Clothes

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I've had terrible writers block for the past few months (if ye haven't been able to notice) and honestly, my interests have completely left this genre. I am really sorry to everyone and I am trying to update regularly but it's very hard. I can't seem to find any motivation for this lately so I'm hoping I'll be back to regular updates soon but that probably isn't going to happen.

This chapter is a lot shorter than usual, or than what I would like for it to be. 

Also, if you want to know when I'm going to update then 

FOLLOW ME SO YOU CAN SEE MY STATUSES. I'M NOT GOING TO REPLY WHEN YOU COMMENT UPDATE BECAUSE YOU SHOULD BE FOLLOWING ME IF YOU GENUINELY WANT TO KNOW. It makes it easier for all of us if you just follow my bloody profile instead of commenting about my update schedule. I appreciate comments but I am too much of a stressed out person to reply to most people.


I sat on the sofa in the B&B, fiddling with my hands on my lap. The cushions were soft beneath me, they felt like they were memory foam and I thought if I tried hard enough, I might just be able to melt into the cushions and get out of the situation I was in.

Shortly after my mates stormed in and found us all in the bathroom, the drunk man went unconscious almost right away. Flat out asleep, he wasn't going to wake up to anyone at that moment. 

My mates sat me down on this very sofa yesterday and paced the room growling and snarling and occasionally breaking things. Adrian got so mad he shifted in the middle of the room and had to curl around my body on the floor to calm down enough to shift back. Even when he shifted back, he refused to let me go and held me while growling. His chest rumbled beneath my head and even though I was terrified because of how much trouble I was in, I found myself relaxing and leaning against his chest to the soothing beat of his heart and the vibrations of his chest.

They carried me to the bedroom ad stripped me before putting one of their tshirts over my head. I slept mushed in between the two, sweating and flushed because of how tight the two were holding me.

The next morning, I was dressed in their tracksuit bottoms and one of their hoodies. I play with the string of the hoodie and kept my eyes on the ground.

"We gave you the space we thought you would need to fully b comfortable with us. We fucking let you live with my cousin for two weeks because we thought you needed it."  Adrian snarled. I flinched under his gaze and kept my eyes on my hands.

The raw anger in his voice was eating away at me. I was terrified and felt beyond guilty for absolutely no reason.

"We leave you for two weeks so you could come back to us without any doubts or regrets and I find you in a bathroom with two half naked men." Xavier's deep voice reached my ears. I flinched again and bit my lip to hold back my tears. 

"Guys, I don't think-"

"Shut the fuck up, Jack. You're lucky I haven't fucking killed you already. One more fucking word and I will." Adrian interrupted him. Jack held his hands up in surrender and made brief eye contact with me.

He looked sympathetic but also like he knew this would happen. It was if he was silently explaining to me some more about his decision to up and leave. I understood it just that bit more.

Adrians stepped in front of me, effectively breaking our eye contact and causing me to lower my eyes the floor. 

"Wendy, look at me."  His voice was still angry, too dark for me to handle when it was aimed at me. My eyes removed to move from the ground even as my head lifted. My hands shook in my lap and I was surprised my lip wasn't bleeding with how hard I was biting it by now. 

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