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I've realised that I can't listen to music that I know off by heart when writing. It's all very distracting.


Also, I washed my hair with conditioner today by accident and now my hair feels good, but it doesn't look good. 


Jackie was met with silence before half the males growled and pulled their mates to them and narrowed their eyes on the other males. I was squished between Xavier and Adrian as they shook with anger. I could only imagine Jackie standing before all of us with a surprised yet gleeful look at how protective her sons were over their mates. She seemed to have an obsession with that.

I caught a glimpse of Chelsie and Joseph sitting casually on the sofa, watching it all unfold. I narrowed my eyes on her before I  was spun around so my back was facing everyone.

"I was only kidding!" Jackie said over the growling. A few of the girls giggled and the scent of arousal spread through the air. My face scrunched in disgust but I didn't say anything.

Eventually, Xavier and Adrian let me go and opted for getting me to sit on one of their laps. They had quickly learned that I had grown close to Chelsie and sat us next to her and her mate so we could talk. We talked about trivial things, my mates were still on edge after Jackie's little joke and kept eyeing the other male around us carefully.

Jackie walked around the couples smiling and talking to them for a few minutes before moving on to the next couple. Her mate watched from afar while he talked to Jack. 

Jack knew to stay well away from us, he looked at us from across the room but didn't come near us. He was the only unmated male in the room and Adrian and Xavier weren't taking that lightly.

Adrian's mother made it over to us and smiled at us with a glint in her eye. She eyed Chelsie sitting next to me and I knew where this was going already. I sighed and leaned back against my mates while I waited for her to get to it.

"So how are all of you today? I didn't know my little joke would elicit such a reaction!" She laughed and put her hand on her chest. "Wendy was very good today, weren't you darling? Her and Chelsie grew very close, if I do say so myself. But what would I know? They disappeared into the house for a while by themselves, I was just about to go in and see if they were okay when they emerged together." 

She laughed again and moved on to the next couple. Adrian and Mason were tense next to me, they each looked at Chelsie with anger brewing under their eyes. I winced and looked up at them.

I stood and waited for them to stand as well before we went outside so I could explain everything to them.

"It's not what your mother tried to make it sound like." I said to them as soon as we stepped outside. They kept walking until they reached their car and waited until I reached them before picking me up and buckling me into the car and then got in themselves.

I leaned back in the chair and stared out the window. They didn't speak and ignored my efforts at conversation. I knew they were going to be angry, but this was ridiculous. 

Most mates didn't mind being half naked around other people and yet my mates were angry at me for talking to a girl for too long all because of the tone that Adrians' mother when telling them what it was like.

The woman could make a fly seem as if it had done wrong to a spider for the spider eating the fly. 

When we arrived home, they wordlessly opened the door ad lifted me out of the car. Xavier didn't put me down however and held me until we were at the bedroom.

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