Chapter 1

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One year. It's been a whole year since Annie encased herself in crystal.

So much has happened since then... so many lives have been lost.

We finally managed to free her from the crystal prison, thanks to what we found in my fathers basement. Finally I'll be able to get some answers.

So many people want to get their hands on her. Whether it's to experiment on her, interrogate her or just outright execute her. I can't really blame them, I feel the same way... but a small part of me still cares for her...

I desperately want to hate her.

When I think about Petra, Oluo, Gunther and Eld... I want to kill her, I want to see her suffer.

Despite all that, here I am. Standing in front of her cell. Frozen.

She looks so small and weak... being inside the crystal must've taken it's toll on her. Instead of the rage I've felt for so long, all I can feel is pity. I almost have to remind myself that she's the female titan, that's she's caused countless innocents deaths and untold destruction.

I'm willing myself to move, to say something but I can't. Isn't this what I came here for? To get some answers? To hear her side? To give her a piece of my mind? To make myself feel better? I'm not entirely sure myself.

After hearing that she was awake, I just knew I had to see her. Captain Levi took some convincing but he eventually relented, although he has more than enough reason to want to see her dead. Come to think of it, Mikasa wasn't exactly thrilled either.

"Are you going to say something?"

Hearing her voice snaps me out of my thoughts.


So she speaks.


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