Chapter 11

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"Hey Armin, you wanted to see me?"

It takes a moment before Armin realizes I'm even there.

"Oh Eren, you're here! Sorry, I was lost in thought," he says, clearly troubled.

"I noticed... so what's up?"

"Erm... take a seat while we wait for the others to arrive," he replies, gesturing to the seat opposite him.

He's not looking so good... and what's this about others?


"Yeah, the other members of the 104th... I've got to..." he trails off.

"Armin, are you okay? You're starting to worry me."

"Ahh, well I guess I haven't been sleeping so well since... you know," he says.

Guess he's referring to inheriting the Colossal Titans power.

"We haven't really spoken about it too much since it happened huh? Armin, we're in the same boat so talk to me if you need to..."

Before Armin has a chance to respond, Mikasa suddenly sits next to me scaring the hell out of me!

"W-woah Mikasa!? I didn't even hear you come in! Make some noise or something when you enter a room will you?"

"I'm sorry that I scared you Eren," she says with a blank look.

Despite her non-emotional demeanor and tone of her voice, I can't help but feel that she's mocking me...

"H-huh!? Who's scared? I'm just saying that you should wear a bell or something, right Armin?"

I turn to Armin for support but he doesn't appear to have been paying attention as he stares blankly at the table...

Must have a lot on his mind.

Having garnered no response from Armin, Mikasa looks at Armin and tilts her head.

She then looks at me and I shrug in response.

At that moment, Connie and Sasha walk in, making quite a ruckus as usual with Jean trailing behind them.

"Ahhh, that was some good grub," sighs Sasha, wiping her mouth with her hand.

"That was MY lunch!" yells an exasperated Connie.

"Ehhh!? Sorry Connie, I thought it was leftovers..." Sasha replies apologetically.

"It had my name on it," Connie responds, agitated.

"Haha, you bald idiot! When will you learn Connie? Always hide your food. I've been hiding mine ever since I met this damn potato girl," Jean chimes in, mocking the pair of them.

"Argh! P-P-Potato g-girl? I-I don't know what you're talking about," stammers Sasha, feigning ignorance of her nickname.

"And who are you calling baldy... Jeanie?" says Connie with a smirk as he takes a seat.

"Huh!? What did you just call me!?" shouts Jean, visibly enraged at being called the nickname his mother gave him.

"Your mom is a good cook," says Sasha innocently, taking a seat next to Connie.

"What does that have to do with anything!?" yells an annoyed Jean.

"She makes a good omelet..." Connie trails off, daydreaming.

"Tch, damn you guys..." says an irritated Jean, taking a seat at the end of the table.

Looks like he's given up. These guys sure are noisy though.

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